In The Courts

It sounds like sheā€™d be in living in better conditions in jail anyway.

Unfortunate choice of words

he aid that it would have been noticed if that happenedc in that workplace. a workplace that famously didnt notice its top star snorting himself to death on coke

Much more believable if it was a once off in a nightclub maybeā€¦ he was obviously seeing her regularly.

Thatā€™s Laois for you.

She seemingly said there were texts between them where he knew she was underage. She said she didnā€™t have the phone now. He handed in all his phones. Only one couldnā€™t be accessed. Obviously only one piece of evidence butā€¦

Sorry mate, we house enough of ye in both prisons, they cant all be dubs.

This seemed a particularly nefarious affair

9 phones and only 1 Mickey

That doesnā€™t do a lot for the women who might have a fear of coming forward after being raped


Why the fuck wasnā€™t she allowed to give evidence via video link?


Found not guilty.

Commentatorā€™s eye.

Not guilty.

Wonder can he resume his career now in the public eye? Jackson and Olding were forced to flee abroad to work again, even after not guilty verdicts.

Back to Australia Iā€™d say. He was the voiceover for Love Island over there.

im genuinely surprised at that. when the jury came back to the judge asking for a majority verdict, i thought he was goosed. id say hes finished here anyway. hell have to seek pastures new

This is shocking. I havenā€™t seen in any report the reason why she wasnā€™t allowed give evidence by video link. It seems an appalling decision.

I genuinely hope vigilante justice finds those four men and they are left with lifelong injuries.

If they were actually guilty.


I imagine heā€™s done here and in the UK anyway.

Who is he, now that heā€™s innocent?

If theyā€™re foreign nationals heā€™ll pivot again.

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