In The Courts

He comes across as a real charmer alright.

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What a scumbag. Hope he gets at least ten years in some yank jail being passed around amongst the gangs


Garda at centre of bicycle controversy fully reinstated, now considering legal action

Not in the courts, but they’ve alluded to other shananigans here. Seems mental but I wonder what the full story is.

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Seems off the wall

What are the full facts of the case they keep going on about? The Commissioner and those lads don’t want Gardai in the community.

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Its a pity thr commonwealth of massachsutettes doesnt have thr death penalty. A vermin scumbag

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As far as i can make out from this story both the DPP and an internal discipline inquiry both concluded nothing untoward happened so Harris’ comments seem laughable in that case.

Hinting theres more to the story when evidently not and using it to avoid answering questions on a shit show. Hope the Guard sues him

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But surely there has to be more as why the fuck else would they bother trying to do him for something so benign? Had to be gunning for him for.some reason youd think

Hope he does sue the fuck out of them for bullying and harrassment

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Yeah, surely there was a target on his back over something. Doesn’t make sense to go to that effort over nothing otherwise.

The theft of a tip jar from a cafĂŠ counter was described as a mean offence by a judge who imposed a five-month sentence on the woman who committed the crime.

Lisa Lenihan of Courtown Drive, Knocknaheeny, Cork, was sentenced by Judge Mary Dorgan to seven months with the last two months suspended.

The sentence was imposed for several crimes but Judge Dorgan remarked that stealing a tip jar was a particularly mean thing to do.

On November 18, 2023, Lenihan, aged 36, went to Dulce Bun House on Oliver Plunkett Street and stole a tip jar containing approximately €100 from the coffee house.

On November 20, 2023, she was involved in shoplifting at 53 Degrees North on Paul Street.

On January 18 she stole a jacket and handbag from Enable Ireland on North Main Street.

On January 22 at JD Sports on St Patrick’s Street, she stole €105 worth of clothing.

On the same day, she stole €64 worth of alcohol and cosmetics at Tesco, Paul Street.

On February 1 at Lloyd’s pharmacy, Hollyhill shopping centre, she stole a charity box belonging to Marymount hospice.

At Kent train station on February 9, she stole a box of cigarettes at the Thomas Stanley shop.

And also back on November 14, 2023, when she was about to be searched under the Misuse of Drugs Act she put a substance in her mouth and swallowed it, obstructing the search.

The judge said an aggravating feature of the case was the repetitive rate of the offending.

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Thats what i assumed too, i was waiting for the big reveal but none came.

I get that just because the Dpp doesnt prefer charges it doesnt mean someone didnt do something wrong but surely the internal inquiry would pick it up in that case where i presume proof is not at such a high bar as the Dpp?

I also read Harris used one of his hot shot units Nbci? to investigate it and still nothing. Also some senior guard changed his statement at the internal inquiry so the story might run a bit yet.

Either way Harris cant have it every way imo. The dpp and the inquiry both cleared him but harris still throwing shade (excuse the pun) and not answering questions on it

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Harris always likes to make out that he’s the bulwark protecting the public from the worst excesses of the rank and file. Proportionality only applies to lads below him.


He must be fucking hated by the rank and file is he? Doesnt exactly exude solidarity so cant imagine he gets too much in return?

No messing about if the rank and file Guard is using Damien Tansey. That’s serious artillery.

Meanwhile Harris seems to be using the Martin Callinan vs Maurice McCabe playbook.


Except this time he doesn’t have Garda Reynolds doing his bidding

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I get the impression he’s fairly isolated at senior management level. The native bigwigs aren’t fans of the policy of outsiders coming in to deputy/assistant commissioner roles, so they’re all on their own islands. They’re mostly bureacrats at that level, far more in common with senior civil servants than po-po; and then they’ve tilted the promotion specs more towards that administrative species that has fuck all regard for the lad on the street

I suspect it’s not this case exactly being alluded to, but I wonder had there been suspicion over other things missing from that site by person or persons over a period.

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Are they too thick to realise why it had to be done?

It is most likely, as is more often the case in rural divisions, a personality dispute that got out of hand. If a rural detective was fiddling with property, it would surely be cash or drugs he would be caught on rather than ould bikes

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I wasn’t thinking it was him, more that stuff may have been going missing, but your explanation is probably more likely.