In The Courts


he’ll be done again in time.

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You have to love the barrister. “this was his first offence”, even though the fucker had been robbing for 17 years :joy:

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Could well have been done for attempted murder. Suspended sentence. Fuck sake.

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Fackin’ immigrants again innit.

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So you can near kill a man but if you haven’t before you’re fine.


Judge Tom O’ Fucking Donnell


DPP should appeal that one.

Using the word Savage when describing an attack but yet saying ah he’s not done it before. It’s the reason we are where we are I suppose.

I was in Dunnes Stores today. There was a gentleman from a cultural minority in front of me with his family, wife and 2 kids. Had spotted the wife earlier on, seemed decent, good looking in that cultural kind of way.

My man was a different story.

Picking up things off the shelves, opening them and eating them away as he strolled around the aisles. Being brash, loud and exactly as you’d imagine. A store manager approached him and asked him to stop eating the goods and putting them back. The wife rolled the eyes and stayed walking. My man fucked the box of Pringles at the staff member and strolled on.

After a while the same thing happened, my man picked up a pack of biscuits and started ateing them. Manager arrived again, this time with security. Wife sighed loudly and knew the shopping wasn’t gonna get done. My man was asked to leave. He got lippy and starting throwing shapes. Here we go I thought, we’re gonna kick off. A guard arrive around the corner anyway, and me man realised the fight wasn’t worth fighting and started gathering the family to leave.

The coup de grace?

He roars at the two kids to round them up. They were called Shelby and Tommy.

Jesus wept.


Soldier is given fully suspended sentence after beating woman unconscious in unprovoked attack in Limerick Soldier is given fully suspended sentence after beating woman unconscious in unprovoked attack in Limerick

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Jesus christ. These judges are on another planet.

Fellas don’t act like that out of nowhere. No way it was a once off.


Exactly what i was thinking, has to be other incidents/warning signs. The victim rightly points out that the Judge imposed a suspended sentence so he wouldn’t lose his job yet she lost hers because of his scumbag behaviour. Madness


Surely he should lose his job as a soldier. Madness.

Hopefully she sues him and gets what she can.


The judge was at pains to point out to her how great he was to plead guilty even though he tried to blame her first until clear cctv showed it to be an unprovoked attack by him.


That is a fucking joke. Beat the shit out of a woman on the street, boast about it afterwards which tells you he did it before and will do it again but if you admit that you did it after being caught on cctv then there are no consequences. Some of these judges need to be a victim of an unprovoked attack by the looks of things.


“Two to put her down and two to put her out”. Thank you for your service Corporal Crotty.

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Crazy stuff.
Shit like this I’m sure puts some off reporting cases - what’s the point if you are face with judges comments like that.


what should he have gotten?

7 or 8 years really

I would concur, I think 5 was the max in his case, gone to 10 since.

First offence means the first time he was caught.