
A classic move by a woman to fight off her attacker.


You could have a chipped bone in your foot. The fragments could now to getting pushed about in the foot when doing the exercises.

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Have at it lads

@Locke called it :person_gesturing_no:

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I heard their periods attract bears


A useless bit of information I garnered from many visits to Santry is that women are 6 times more likely to do an ACL injury than men. Why you may ask. It has nothing to do with menstruation. Their pelvis is wider and shallower than a mans which exerts an additional external pull on the knee joint. This inpairs full range orlf movements from Balance, landing, pivoting etc.


They should stick to having babies?



If you ever notice a lot of women walking their knees bend in towards one another and the alignment of Them is in side their feet.

Yeah something Iā€™ve noticed too. More pronounced with some than others mind.

The young lad fucked one of his toys at me a few minutes ago and caught me perfectly on the left testicleā€¦ If you donā€™t hear from me over night know that i love you all.


Iā€™m having an issue with my arms the last couple of weeks, triceps I think. Theyā€™re not sore most of the time but occasionally a dull low level pain there. Where theyā€™re killing me is in the gym lifting weights. Iā€™ve had to drop down to about 70% of the weight I can normally lift just to be able to complete a set and I couldnā€™t do a single shoulder press this evening using a third of the weight Iā€™d normally use due to the pain in my arm when I tried to lift.

Anyone ever have something like this?

Pain is just youth leaving your body.

Are you doing any mobility work at all

Do this every day for a week and report back

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Shur Iā€™ll give it a go.

Some great preventative stretching here guys

cc @Tassotti


Ruptured achilles, snapped clean in two, kicking a ball back in to a drill for the team Iā€™m managing.

A cunt of a sore thing


Has absolutely finished that Hudson Odoi lad at Chelsea as an elite prospect

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At least i dont have to worry about being an elite prospect.



Oh Lord Jesus. Thatā€™s brutal.