
Are you taking any shortcuts?

I had to help/supervise a family member doing it twice a day earlier in the year. Thermometer, stopwatch, multiple kettles of water the only way to do it properly. Seemed to help but who knows if it was the contrasting or something else.

No mate, Iā€™m following the guides to the letter. I want to maximise recovery, the physio excercises are slow going too. Guess recovery is slower when youā€™re pushing on.

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Would body mass be a factor?

Iā€™m no physio but Iā€™m going to say yes.

You might get close to me when Iā€™m back and havenā€™t hit a ball in 6 months


Did you have to have that operation?

No, no op. Out of the cast now and in the auld boot.


Best of luck with it.

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Played a hurling game back in August. Came off in the first half when some fucker dived in awkwardly on me and landed on my knee from the outside. Knew something was immediately wrong and went off. Was sore for over a month, swollen, limited range of motion, sleepless nightsā€¦i even took painkillers a couple of times

Life got in the way over Sept and early Oct and I had to cancel two MRI scans. Had one last week and its came back that Iā€™ve fully torn the ACL. Meniscus damage also.

Reason Iā€™m posting is that should I go for the operation or am I stupid doing it at my age (40)?

Iā€™m not in pain anymore and it doesnt impact my cycling to work.


Itā€™s a catch 22 really. Youā€™d probably be grand without it and may never have any cause to think about it again, as long as youā€™re not going back to play a sport to any decent level. The surgery is grand nowadays but itā€™s the recovery that you have to decide are you arsed with as it takes a fair amount of rehab and so on.

Saying that youā€™re a young man and most likely have plans to be fairly active for a few years yet. If you think you can handle the rehab Iā€™d go for it personally but everyoneā€™s different.

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Better off to go for the operation id say. Get it sorted.

Know a few lads who have done the same over the last couple of years. They were back playing junior B and performing well too.

50/50 one I suppose if you donā€™t want the disruption in your life with the recovery.

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No brainer to get it done i would say.

All them auld lads who did it years ago and never got it looked at are all crippled now even in their 50ā€™s/60ā€™s.


@Fat_Pox this. It will eventually give you trouble.


The brother has motored away without getting his done for the last 4/5 years, he manages fine for golf and the young ladsā€™ training sessions etc. That said itā€™s not as tortuous as recovery as it would have been before

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I found myself in almost exact same circumstances as you. Torn ACL. Late 30s. Debating whether to get it done or not. Told to call it a day. Would be arduous road back especially with work committments, young family etc. Long and short. One of Best decisions I ever made to get it done. Was told Iā€™d be 12 months recovery due to advanced age. Was back playing in 7. They were staggered in Santry at how I was able to hit all the markers and strength tests.
Managed to win an adult hurling title with my club and make a meaningful contribution this year which was something I always pined for.

I say go for it. Why would you limit your physical capabilities. If you need any advice on who to go to to get it done, physio, exercises etc let me know.


Get the operation. Youll be thankful in 30 years even if you never hurl again


Get the Op, whatever the rehab is like you wonā€™t look back in 10 years and be sorry you did it.


Get the op, make sure the surgeon is in town and schedule regular appointments. Visit cathedrals after*

*May impact recovery time


I will say this, there is nothing more disheartening than getting the operation, going through all the recovery, venturing back out onto that field when you probably should know better, and it going again.

That is a cold stare you come home to that day.


If youā€™re getting it done you have to really commit to doing the rehab correctly or else thereā€™s no point

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Jesus wept.

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