International Elections Thread

the ultra orthodox and the settler parties have likud and netanyahu over a barrel really,
basically it got to a stage as to how many religous concesssions would he make and how many more pledges of support does he have to give to the settler parties in order to secure their support to form a majority

in the end and it has come down to what is the key division in israeli society that has brought this down and that is the increasing division between the orthodox and secular that is now wider than ever.

The religous do not want Haredim to be drafted for the military - bibi is coming under increasing pressure to make the military draft mandatory for all as the concession to the orthodox in terms of tax dollars and the fact the country is been shut down in Saturday in places has become intolerable ā€¦
It was Avigdor Liberaman ( a secular nationalist) who eventually brought the whole thing down as he refued to go into colaition with the religous ( shas and united torah judaiasm) unless they back down from their stance on military draft.
i cannot see how this is going to be resolved in the short term

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Trudeau won again in Canada

How racist must the Canadian Tories be that they were still seen as more racist than someone who dressed up in blackface 168 times :smile:

jody wilson rainbould gets back in as an independent, good to see theres some canadians who know right from wrong

Interesting that they got more votes than Trudeau did. What do you think about that?

What do you think about it?

Seems you only complain when the side you want to win loses

I suppose thatā€™s what happens when you apply the football supporter approach to politics

I asked you the question.

Itā€™s their democratic system so Iā€™ve no issue with it. Do you have an issue with it?

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I see poor old Evo Morales has been sent home with his tae in a mug by the Army

oz is burning

thanks scomo

I believe thereā€™s a word to describe this

Hopefully itā€™ll give Evo Morales time to post here again

A lambasting?

The tfk misogyny crew will be rattled

She looks decent .

A grand looking wee girl


TFK Misogyny Club, Finland Chapter; has really taken itā€™s eye off the ball

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Yes. No. Yes. No. Maybe.

Jacinda will be livid

Flatty is triggered again.

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Interesting election in Uganda

Bobby Wine will do well not to get a bullet