Investment Opportunities (get poor quickly schemes)

One of those classic “legitimate” scams

I’m about to hit the hay mate. That’s a hard q to answer without knowing your risk profile, the amounts you’re dealing with and what your aims are. Anything less than 100k not sure I’d bother changing. If it’s more than that, a mixture of sterling, chf and usd. Wouldn’t like to be holding large amounts of EUR on deposit anyway.


Mate, you know nothing about FX going by your posts. What the fuck would you be doing getting involved in it?

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I’m just curious to learn about it.

Have a great sleep Enrique

Get a job in a trading company and use their money to learn so. A rapid way to the poor house using your own bank for that


It’s hard to get jobs at the moment.

You seem to be have a bit of an edge when it comes to horses and are well able to pick winners for a big ROI.

You are looking at then putting that money into a gamble where you have zero edge for a potentially much smaller ROI.

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Flustering around bookies and getting accounts closed is tiresome. I’d like to spread my wings and learn about other methods of making money.

Why not go work for the bookies instead?

Spotify :smirk:

Not something I’d like. I don’t think it’s fair how they operate. Allowing people lose millions and closing wining accounts is not morally correct. I’d often wondered about a last man standing version of horse racing and wondered would it work. Well something similar.


Sleep well mate, and thanks, I greatly enjoyed reading that. When you’re up, why does the long term ,low interest US treasury bond remain popular when they continue to effectively devalue cash in the short term, but repeatedly?

I’ll be some price to get Christmas Number 1.

If it sounds too good to be true it is probably too good to be true.

There’s no easy way to make money. If there was we’d all do it

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Would it be hard to get a job in one of those companies? I mean what kind of degree or background would you need and is it something specific to that industry? Could you train someone on the job over time to be competent at it or would he need a specific maths background in his back pocket?

You’d want to have all sorts of systems, risk management etc to do it successfully.

You’d get into an FX place handy enough with a relevant degree, you’d probably have to go to London though.

You’d likely be years doing other stuff before they let you near the money as well

They would not touch him with a barge pole (no offense @anon60384913). I have a buddy who is one of the top traders in the country.

When he started off, the job was totally different. He made serious money in first 10 years. At that time, they hired lads with finance background, professional poker players etc.

The swings were massive back then. Lads he worked with ended up with serious addiction issues. Not a job suited to family life.

Over time, the bots became more prominent and the margins tighter. Firms now only hire lads with a background in programming. They want lads to minimise risk and to understand how trades are executed.

In addition, they felt that dealing with the fallout of lads with addiction as a result of job pressure was not worth it.


Sure he’s pretending to be in college at the minute. So he could pretend to be doing programming while he’s at it?