Investment Opportunities (get poor quickly schemes)

When should we start buying oil as an investment? What is the bottom? Will Brent Crude go below 20? Storage seems to be an issue with the lack of consumption.

But it has to come back. The world will start again and there isn’t a turn key alternative there.

Might have a look at Roche. Part of their offering is diagnostics. A lot of the high throughput PCR machines used in the likes of Covid-19 testing are Roche and they supply the reagents too (they’re closed systems as in you need Roche reagents). They can’t keep up with demand at the moment, for either machines or reagents, and as testing is going to be key to any solution they’ll get a boost.

A quick google suggests their diagnostic division is 20% of revenues which is def going to get a lift

Priced in already?

Perhaps, I haven’t checked. Share price still below Feb peak

Oil for Mat $11.50 this morning is the worst news of the whole lot over the past 6 weeks We tracked oil price for 7 or 8 years in logistics and could never foresee anything remotely like this price. No country can make profit at those prices. It is a war signal.

If a fella could buy a big fuck off tank somewhere it’d surely come good in a few years

International fuel trader Tommy Cassidy in Derrylin is anticipating a killing. Incredible as it may seem, you can “future buy” kerosene from the intrepid Tommy.
Him and I go back a long way, Tommy’s an alright sort.

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Great for the Chinese.

Putin was too clever for his own good.

It’d be fun to see him Ceaucescued.

When can we expect to see some real action?


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Fuck that we’ll all be dead by then, can’t they speed things up a little


My funfair isn’t looking great now either.

Cc @copperpipe

US Crude has dropped to $1.16 a barrel, down 94% today.

The futures price. It will be morbidly fascinating to see what this leads to.

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Gone negative now, this will surely drag the equity market down hard you would think.

Anyone know how I can buy Oil Futures?

Google not being very helpful :neutral_face:

IG Index. is it ?