Investment Opportunities (get poor quickly schemes)

:smile: :clap:

A group of Galway United supporters are putting together a bid to buy Saudi Arabia

Uncharted Territory to coin a phrase

I bought Shell and BP in the afternoon there. And a couple of Emirates. Got them all for €23 and a packet of sausages.

A half pound rather than a pound I hope?

How does the average Joe soap profit from the current price of oil now?

Buy a tanker, fill it with oil. In a year sell the tanker and oil for a huge profit.

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When will daysel be cheap

Twenty supertankers with a total of ~50 million barrels of oil on their way to the US from Saudi, at a time when US oil storage is nearly at or at 100% full. This should get interesting.

Home heating oil only 45c a litre at the moment.
Half the regular price. Time to fill the tank for next winter now.

cc @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

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Get on Saint Gobain now

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Just did it today. 45.5c a litre. Places up the country apparently as cheap as 30c

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25p a litre it is here, its been dropping every week but surely can’t go much below that.

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Would it pay ye to put in a bigger tank?

Surely the smart investment is to borrow money and buy lots of tanks and fill them, and then sell the heating oil next winter when things recover?

Rocko has stopped new accounts signing up. A fella with a few dormant accounts could make a few pound I reckon. Give it till Monday and sid will be itching to come back.

I took the plunge and converted a large sum of money into sterling. I’m not hoping the euro collapses.

Any decent saving schemes out there?

Already invested in Crypto, Spotify and AUD so looking for something a bank wouldn’t frown upon once I go looking for a mortgage whenever that may be.

A cask of whiskey

Up 40 percent since then :sunglasses: