Iraq / Middle East / Murder Thread

ā€œdeep concernā€

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@anon61878697 has Turk blood in him as well

fucking yanks did nothing in gallipoli

as a point of order as well it must be noted the Kurds utterly despise Arabs and vice vera

the problem now is the Kurds are babysitting god knows how many thousands ISIL fighters in camps ā€“

there are now 2 options

The kurds will take pleasure in massacring the lot of them

The kurds will just abandon the camps as they need to get to the Turkish front line and these refugees / terrorists will be free to go as they please

Id imagine the turk will probably claim that territory in Syria and try to fill it with some of the 3.5 million refugees they absorbed from Syria to create a buffer between them and the kurds in that part of Syria

I foresee an absolute bloodbath here

The hate on both sides is enormous and then you throw a load of Arabs in the mix

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Can we blame a Zionist conspiracy ?

What kinda weaponry do the Kurds have?
Will we see close quarter combat?


The US have the Kurds fairly well tooled up. But they were providing all the air support etc so theyā€™ve nothing like that. Well outmatched in terms of tanks etc as well, but they are one of the most battle hardened armies in the World.
The Turks will want to keep it a long range fight of artillery and aerial bombing etc. But even the US have seen thatā€™ll only get you so far and theyā€™ve best in class satellites and guidance systems etc. which Turkey would be a long way behind

Meanwhile Erdogan has threatened the Europeans that if they say anything heā€™ll open the flood gates and let the millions of Syrians in Turkey across.
He has them up against the wall

respectable enough id imagine
w.r.t close quarter id imagine the kurds will do a decent round of market bombings to inflict civilian casualties and may do something in istanbul, im not sure if suicide bombings are their thing
the turks have serious firepower- they will look to ethnically clense that area of kurds so whatever forms of rape, etc are used in a mopping up operation ( think the Bosnian Croats in Stupni Do in 1993) after the main civilian exit after an air assualt id expectā€¦

both sides like arabs have little regard for human life as killing is part of their makeup

This crowd rank the Turks 9th in the World

yeah heā€™s justifying the invasion by saying he needs to create a space for the 3.5million syrians he absorbed
2 birds with the one stone for him, etc

We are 115th of 137. Is this like the university rankings, how do we progress upwards?

Same way, investment

Like replacing slashhooks with guns?

Heā€™s a fucking degenerate, senile aul bollocks doesnā€™t even know what heā€™s on about.

This is a very informative thread by the way lads, keep up the good work.

A lot of Balkan countries were formed in a similar spirit but after a very bloody initial period they eventually grew into fairly normal modern countries with a little space for some multiculturalism. as for despising the Arabs, they lived successfully as part of a multi-cultural Iraq for many years and probably contributed more towards making Iraq a normal place than the stupid sectarian Arabs. I know those were Iraqi Kurds but still. Kurdistan would eventually turn out a grand spot, eventually.

I think a key factor is that when Erdogan replaced the military leaders he took out the thinkers and replaced them with people who were stricter on denying the Armenian genocide - that is thick fascistic cunts who donā€™t give a fuck about their country murdering millions of people. I think the Turks will wan to get stuck in and just murder everyone but theyā€™ll be too scared to get close to the tougher Kurds.

@mickee321, what will the capital of Kurdistan be?

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A kurdish state internationally recognised in that area would be a great thing. The kurds are honorable people run as a secular society with complete equality between sexes.
Turkey is now under the regime of a murdering, xenophobic, bigoted, racist despot, and is unfortunately rapidly backsliding. Any ruler under pressure, as Erdoğan is, desperately needs an oul war. Butcher a few thousand unarmed and innocent outsiders, or, if armed, butcher them from on high, and paint yourself as a patriot and military genius. Erdoğan is a horrible human being. Heā€™s like a tory brexiteer with an army and no rule of law. Heā€™d have been a great oul brit back in the day.
For shame America, for shame.


Iā€™d add that the timing of trumps pull out is highly suspicious. One would almost wonder about a bit of Russian pressure. Random, unexpected decision at a time when he was under pressure from that neck of the woods. :thinking:

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