Iraq / Middle East / Murder Thread

The Kurds kicked the shit out of them.

These girls ran the cunts

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Why dont the Turks just bomb the detention camps?

The Kurds SHAFTED again


Why would they do that? Erdogan regards himself as the patron of all Sunnis, and since his switch from anti-Assad to pro-Assad probably views ISIS favorably, if they could help him achieve his aims.

And cunts like this cunt cheerled the cunt who has caused it

Now he’s trying to wash his hands of it all

What a fucking weasel

No fucking shit

And they won’t be traced or subject to any laws

Almost like that’s what he actually wants to happen

The Kurds never helped the US at Normandy so they deserve everything they get.

Fox News reporter says the Turkeys are committing atrocities

Cross party proposal to sanction the Turks in the offing.

As predictable as William Barr blatantly lying through his teeth about, oh, literally everything

I mean who could have foreseen this


So why hasn’t Europe sent in troops to stop this potential genocide?

surely NATO should be stepping up here?

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I suppose Turkey being a member of NATO complicates things?

What we are being told is that Turkey, who already has 3.5 million Syrian refugees, is about to create another wave of refugees who will invade Europe. Surely it is in Europe’s interest to not just prevent a genocide but prevent another refugee crisis? Why is Europe sitting idly by while another humanitarian crisis unfolds?

Because those thick Micks are causing enough hassle already, wouldn’t be beyond belief that the UK & Trump have told that Turkish bollocks to work away. It would suit both to embarrassing hair day cunts.

this is two absolute degenerate groups going at it here
the turks are dick swinging and trying to claim some shitheap area just to assert some form or authority - they kurds are more noble and are trying to hang on to land that they claim to be their own.
The murdering and butchering that will go on here could be horrific - the Kurds remind me of Lebanese Christians during the first Lebanon War who sided with Israel to take on Hisbollah and the Palestinians to get their piece of the pie -in recognition for their support Sharon armed them and allowed them have free reign in a Palestinian massacre at Sabra and Shatilla refugee camps so they could assert some form of revenge of their Moslem oppressors

the kurds - have been armed heavily by US, etc but are in a dispute with the turks - the kurds want an ethnically pure kurdistan free of arabs and will go to all means necessary to achieve it- an independent kurdistan would represent an extreme right wing form of israel on steroids w/o the religous element - right wing in its citizenship rights mainly - The kurds and netanyahu would be pretty good pals- they are cut from the same cloth - it reminds me of reading about teh foundation of the state of israel and the arab wars in 1948 - it is the exact same mentatlity - a people who have suffered massacre after purge and probablly deserve their own space

ill be shouting for the kurds here
the carry on of the turks is childish - they will inflict massive losses on the kurds tho


In fairness tfk is a Kurdish forum. Apart from @Rocko who is a Turk.


I expect the Kurdish paramilitaries in Ankara and Istanbul will be stepping in wit a few bombings here and there on Turkish soil. There is a not insignificant Kurdish minority in Turkey

The Kurds must be seriously regretting not helping out in Normandy now

Trumps behaviour is even more reprehensible than usual. A cross party strongly worded letter. That’ll put fear into that psychopath Erdoğan.

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