Iraq / Middle East / Murder Thread

If you’ve zero interest, why did you ask me

Shrieking the word “shrieking”, how original, how snowflakey

I’ve zero interest in your opinions because you have no real ones except slavishly following what your child emperor tells you

Which leads you into taking ludicrous positions like being pro-ISIS without you even having a clue what you’re talking about

So you should probably stop trying to have opinions and just toddle off, to save yourself the embarrassment if nothing else

Throwing rice?

What the hell are you on about?

I didn’t edit anything about your post, I quoted exactly what you wrote

It isn’t my problem that you write so poorly, it’s yours

As I said, you need to make up your mind here

You’re simultaneously saying Russia is not a player, then claiming it is a player, then contradicting yourself again

Then you tell us the US pull out was a terrible decision before defending it by copying and pasting straight from Trump

Look, mate, I know this is difficult for you, you had no idea what Trump was, you called it wrong right from the beginning, you supported him, you defended him consistently and took your line straight from him and other thoroughly discredited and corrupt actors like Huckabee Sanders, Nunes, Barr, Giuliani etc., the only criticism of him you’ve been able to bring yourself to make over the last four years is that he’s a “narcissist”, you hate the EU and want it to collapse, you are more than prepared to not only tolerate naked corruption but to cheerlead it and therefore everything you say has to be viewed through that prism

Basically your last four years of posting here has been one long car crash, you’ve been wrong about everything

Four years later, you’re still chasing your own tail

I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a walking cliche of a thick right-winger in action

It’s a rabbit hole incomprehendably deep that you are in, you will never escape it now, the sunken emotional investment is far too much

That’s a fairly massive tract of land to think they can obtain, however mental the Turk leader is he couldn’t imagine losing that ground.

You still don’t get it, you are remarkably dense.

The Russian economy and the amount of resources Russia has is irrelevant to the US. The EU is totally dependent on energy imports from Russia. Yet you cannot see the difference.

The rest of your post is just your normal Rachel Maddow shrieking, Russia, Russia, Russia; Putin, Putin, Putin, fascism, fascism, fascism.



That post was tedious even by your standards of interminable tedium

Unfortunately for you, I get and understand things just fine - which is why I already explained it to you and you had zero comeback except to shout the same nonsense you copy and paste from Zero Hedge and Trump’s tweets

You still refuse to accept that the US is a client state of Russia in terms of foreign policy

This is a classic example of somebody taking a wrong position, and then sticking to that wrong position come hell or high water, even when it makes them look totally ridiculous and often arguing directly contradictory things

Maybe if you watched Rachel Maddow you might know a bit more about things, because it’s clear you’re utterly out of your depth getting your “information” from the incessant right wing bullshit machine

You forgot to shout “communist” by the way

I’m so let down

What would Iran’s position in the current moves by Turkey be?

Would Iran be happy for the Kurds to be obliterated?
Would they like to see ISIS gaining momentum again?
Big fans of Turkey?

Let’s go Iran

Let’s go Russia


The way I see it would be as follows

If I was Iran I wouldn’t be in favour of this

I think there are some considerable diverging interests between Russia/Turkey and Iran

Turkey wants to split the Kurds in Turkey off from the Kurds in Syria at all costs

Russia wants to destabilise Europe, Turkey would be happy enough to do so as well at this stage I think

Neither of those things are big concerns for Iran, Iran would like to have reasonably good relations with Europe (though it still wants to lock up the likes of Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe)

Everything in the way Iran thinks about Syria is framed through propping up Assad and there it aligns with Russia

Getting rid of the Kurds doesn’t really affect that, but bringing in 3 million Sunnis doesn’t help and the potential release of ISIS prisoners definitely doesn’t, though Assad with Russian help is strong enough now to withstand that

It would seem to me that as well as Europe, Iraq stands at risk if that happens, and Iran has big interests in Iraq which would not be helped by a resurgence of ISIS

The Kurds or ISIS aren’t much threat to Iran themselves

I didn’t ask you, that’s the point, you idiot.


What’s your problem with Russia?

They are the good guys. They are against capitalism and against snowflakes.


Go ask me bollix and stop making a fool of yourself, you useless cunt :grin:

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I don’t have an exact answer to that but when they went in in the first place it gave them responsibilities. They should try to leave in circumstances where it doesn’t cause millions of deaths (potentially), that’s just Christian and just honour. They shouldn’t leave in circumstances where it shows that they don’t give a fuck about anything or anyone.

The Kurds (with the Israelis) have been their only consistent allies throughout the past few years, the only ones who have consistently worked with them. Now they’re being betrayed the worst. Who would deal with America?

A bit like yourself and your baby in Brazil

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The ball not the man

Turks getting dangerously close to shelling some Yanks

That’s a ruse to try and prove it wasn’t the yanks withdrawal that triggered the incursion

Quelle surprise

The Kurds have had it fair rough the poor fuckers. They’ve been getting it in the neck since the Ottoman Empire collapsed. There’s 30 million plus of them, I think I read once that they are the largest ethnic group in the world without a state