Iraq / Middle East / Murder Thread

Will anything happen to anyone over this?
Will it fuck.
I despise politicians

Is it possible that Erdogan has completely fucked up?
He is directly opposed by kurds and assadā€™'s crew, with Iran and Russia also on the other side. He appears to have no allies.

Hopefully. I hope he winds up like mussolini.

Itā€™ll take a while before anything happens . He has threatened to open the floodgates and let over 3 million refugees into western Europe. Heā€™ll get a bit of mileage out of that yet

An independent internationally recognised kurdish state could prevent that.

Wonā€™t happen. Look at Palestine /Israel. Same scenario there

Iā€™m anti-death penalty in principle but I would not mourn at all if Erdogan, Trump and Putin all ended up like Mussolini

Three evil despots

Agreed. You could lump boris in on principle, though heā€™s too effete to really join the gang.

Fascinating that the leftists never complain about actual totalitarian regimes like China where millions are detained in ā€œre-educationā€ camps and thousands disappeared every year.

Same insane cunts were silent during the Soviet era because communism = good or something something.


You can vote Boris out at the next election.

But they do, you just choose not to hear it because youā€™ve gone down an insane right wing rabbit hole because you consume exclusively terrible right wing US media sources, and thus are totally clueless about pretty much, oh, well everything

You refuse to condemn white supremacist mass murder and it seems youā€™re just fine with Trump condemning the Kurds to butchery because your first reaction was to engage in laughable whataboutery

Whataboutery is defence of genocide

And we know that the only genocides you complain about are fake ones, actual ones not so much - not at all in fact - you actively call for one against the Palestinians and call the Saudi regime ā€œbenevolentā€

This would be the same regime that the USā€™s ruling family of despots gave the intelligence to to cut up a jourrnalist with a bone saw

It is so funny to see your mental gymnastics on every single subject

This is what happens when youā€™re wrong about literally everything for years and canā€™t accept it for fear of losing face, so you retreat into a fantasy world where you try and deceive both youself and everybody else in order to deny the reality of your being wrong about literally everything

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You need to calm your totally irrational obsession with communism

You continually make a fool of yourself over it

There is nothing inherently wrong with the ideology of communism at all, in fact itā€™s very laudable as an ideology

Itā€™s infinitely superior to your ideology, which involves nothing more than believing everything you ā€œreadā€ in ā€œGateway Punditā€

Your use of ā€œsomething somethingā€ there was very poor

You need to leave that to me - I know how to use it in ways that irk you - you just donā€™t get comedic timing at all, in fact you donā€™t get humour at all

If you find the Kathy Griffin photo a ā€œjokeā€ then I assume you also find all violent depictions of public figures and politicians similarly humorous. I donā€™t, which is the distinction between someone who has a moral compass and an absolute scumbag.

I donā€™t think someone who wrote a ā€œsatireā€ mocking a recently widowed public figure should be commenting on the merits of humor.

You are a sick demented depraved sad head case wallowing in your own shit.

It depends on whether it was a joke or not

It was a joke, so I see no problem

Ascertaining whether something was a joke would depend on whether you have any ability to distinguish between something that is a joke and something that is not a joke

A joke also depends on who it is aimed at

Liberal politics in the US does not have a problem where people are going around murdering people because of that ideology

Mainstream right-wing politics in the US very much does have a problem where people are going around murdering others because of that ideology

Inherent in Trumpā€™s appeal is sadism and the threat of murder

I thought Kamala Harris nailed it there the other day when she said to Donald Trump. Jr that ā€œa joke is something you were raised byā€

And a joke is something you are

I guess it can be hard for a joke to tell what a joke is and what isnā€™t

You and Donald Trump are living examples

You donā€™t have the first understanding of what humour is, mate

That was very funny

Itā€™s sad to see this sort of anger word salad

You should film yourself standing in front of a mirror reciting this back to yourself and upload it for the benefit of the forum

That would be very funny

You still havenā€™t reconciled your praise for Stephen Morrisseyā€™s racist rhetoric and his pledge to put ā€œMargaret in a guillotineā€

And you still refuse to condemn the Trump video portraying him as Dylann Roof

As does Trump

Violence and completely unironic threats of murder are hardwired into your ideology

So you still believe your ā€œsatireā€ involving Mrs Keady was funny, even though it was universally condemned on TFK. Yet you think I am the one who has an issue with understanding humor.

Do you think if one of Mrs Keadyā€™s children read your ā€œsatireā€ they would find it humorous?

How humorous do you think his former teammates would find it? Itā€™s not outside the realm of probability that they might come across it.

I can try mate

I can understand the dilemma mate, a vote for a party led by a loon versus a vote for a party led by a loon. Itā€™s no wonder you vote Green.

Lib dems this year. Two great reasons to vote lib dem.

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It was hilarious

