Iraq / Middle East / Murder Thread

There you go mate

Not everything is black and white, as you say yourself

But sure call him evil all you want

It gets worse

It seems Soleimani was there for diplomatic talks

Trump hasnā€™t the cop on to undertand heā€™s changed the rules of the game

Any US official is now fair game for assassination

So he drank it knowing it wouldnā€™t have much of an effect on an adult to show the kids that it was safe? Thatā€™s even worse than I thought

Youā€™re making a fool of yourself

Iā€™d say if the US knew killing this fella would get them expelled from Iraq they would have done it years ago :joy:

Probably wondering who they have to assassinate to get thrown of Afghanistan now

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Is that an Irish bar?


A bunch of lads were who were doing a conga line with one shoe off were the target.

The more I think about this, the more certain Iā€™ve become that the responsibility for this catastrophic fuck-up lays at the door of the democratic party in the U.S . Pursuing a psychopath like Trump, knowing that they wouldnā€™t remove him from office but satisfied to score some political points was criminal. He has been humiliated and will become even more unstable as a consequence. These woke, virtue signalling liberal pinko wankers have just unleashed WW3 on us all, just so they can look cool on Facebook & Twitter.

Yeah m8 and it was the people who fought the Nazis wot was to blame for the Holocaust innit

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I see Trump wants to destroy Iranian cultural sites

The US president has literally the same ideology as ISIS

Shtrange oulā€™ times weā€™re livinā€™ in alright

I suppose bombing Persepolis to dust and replacing it with a Trump casino (which goes bankrupt in a month) and McDonalds and Krispy Kreme drive throughs would be true ā€œfreedomā€ and would prove the superiority of unregulated capitalism once and for all

Cultural sites like the soccer stadium where they hang people off the goal posts ??

The Iranians should assassinate a US general, possibly after inviting him to peace talks in Iraq.

Itā€™s almost like all this is working out exactly how Putin wanted

Russiaā€™s number one foreign policy goal has been to get the US to completely discredit itself as a rational foreign policy actor.

Plenty of that job had already been accomplished by George W. Bush with no outside help, but since Trump came to power, itā€™s obvious the Russians have had an inside line as regards US foreign policy self-destruction.

People who deny that Trump is acting in Russian interests point to Iran being an ally of Russia. So the thinking goes, if Trump was acting in Russiaā€™s interests, how or why would he attack Iran?

But Russia doesnā€™t really give a toss about somebody like Soleimani, it doesnā€™t really care that much about Iran bar maintaining common interests in Syria. Soleimani is an individual and the Russians had likely already wrung out any value he had for them, and anyway, heā€™s easily replaceable. His assassination is no skin off the Russiansā€™ nose whatsoever.

This whole episode has completely discredited the US as a foreign policy actor.

You have a US president who ripped up the Iran nuclear deal signed by Obama, purely because Obamaā€™s name was on it.

You have a US president who apparently lures Soleimani to talks in Iraq and then bombs him to death when he arrives. Thatā€™s pariah state stuff.

You have a president who it is perceived has made a dreadful miscalculation which has resulted in i) Iraq demanding US troops get out, ii) the US fight against ISIS stops, iii) Iran going full steam ahead for nuclear weapons, and now iv) the constant threat of Iranian retaliation against the US, in what way we do not know.

Now v) that same US president is threatening publicly to destroy priceless Iranian cultural and world heritage sites. This is literally ISIS ideology.

So in all this, the US is perceived as a completely unstable regime run by crackpots. It is playing up to and embracing its regional nickname of ā€œThe Great Satanā€. Russia by comparison appears sane, stable and pragmatic.

Russia publicly backs Iran. China publicly backs Iran. Western public opinion and much public opinion within the US itself will effectively side with Iran.

So, in all aspects, this episode has been a total victory for Russian foreign policy goals and a total defeat for the US - as was the case when Trump betrayed the Kurds.

The USā€™s reputation as a rational foreign policy actor is completely in tatters.

Itā€™s almost like Russia has somebody in the White House doing their bidding for them. :grin:

Now I canā€™t say Putin ordered the assassination of Soleimani. But what is absolutely true is that Putin will be laughing through his hole at all this, and when he got Trump installed, he knew that this sort of situation was very likely to materialise, and would completely benefit Russia.

So, howā€™s that going under Trump?

Has Trumpā€™s latest little intervention made a Russian/Iranian controlled Middle East more likely or less likely?

What do you think? :grin:

Bearing in mind that your posts here over the last few days strongly imply you think this was a clever strategic move on the part of Trump and a make a Russian/Iranian dominated Middle East less likely :grinning:

But itā€™s fine to hand over US military bases in Syria to Russia for freeā€¦ :smile:

Pentagon Chief of Staff has resigned, a guy called Eric Chewning

You could say heā€™s turning on, Chewning in and dropping out

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This has been in the pipeline for a while. The decision isnā€™t linked to Iran. Not that you ever needed the truth or facts to get your point across.


We now have a poster with inside track in the Pentagon

To add to our experts on Australian bush fires and Finnish speaking climatologists who say climate change is a hoax