Iraq / Middle East / Murder Thread

And yet you’re now acting like a Trumpbot

Well done m8

You did no such thing. You have just replied to my posts with either trying to imply that the water in Flint was fine or “But Trump”

Because I dont think Obama is a saint I’m a Trumpbot?

No, that’s not what happened

You literally said Obama tried to poison the people of Flint

He didn’t, and you just look like a Gemtrails style nutjob by trying to claim he did

Nobody thinks Obama is a saint, mate

See, there you go again, proving my point

It’s just that when you start acting like a deranged Trumpbot you shouldn’t get your little feelings all hurt when it gets pointed out

He drank poisoned to make the people of Flint it was ok. Michael Moore and the people of Flint think he pretended to drink it. Either way, its abhorrent behaviour that you won’t condemn.

10 points if you don’t mention Trump in your reply

It sounds like you’ve been drinking poisoned water given the incoherence of your posts here :grin:

More whataboutery

The chap that barged into a thread about murder in the Middle East in 2020 to go on a deranged rant about somebody drinking a glass of water in the US in 2016 complains about “whataboutery” :smile:

Aw mate, mate, mate, mate, you badly need to up your game here

I “barged” in because you were said Obama was a “decent man”

He is a decent man

By no means perfect but that goes with the territory

And Trump isn’t a decent man, he’s a scumbag who will be remembered as the worst president in history

I think we can all agree that if Obama was still president the US would be in a far, far better place

That’s where I disagree. I don’t think a decent behaves like Obama did in Flint

You shall know the real evil people by them sipping water :grin:

Sipping poisoned water to make it look like it’s not poisoned so the towns people will think its fine. Yes, that is pretty evil in my opinion

He is.


Tainted Tap Water

Huh? Are you suggesting the water in Flint was fine?

Iraqi PM telling the yanks to get out.

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Out out he said