Iraq / Middle East / Murder Thread

TFK’s Islamic caliphate.

An Opus Dei member, a militant atheist, and whatever @Tank is.

Keeping the world safe.

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The fucking arrogance. Saved for posterity.

Those lads are going to sacrifice their lives, their economy and everything they have for the sake of honour.

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What language is this?

The problem with frothing right wing nut jobs like @anon7035031 is they literally think that anybody who doesn’t support the US waging war on everybody all the time is an Islamist

That’s the level of stupidity we’re dealing with

As Avon said:

The Iranians bleed red.
The Yanks bleed green.

What language do you speak in?

From the evidence we have so far it isn’t English anyway

I’d guess you speak in pidgin

A nuclear-powered Iran would be the best way to guarantee stability in the ME. It would be like in the Cold-War whenever the US and USSR could never attack each other.

Wrong. The Islamic regime have lost all support of the working class and Middle class in Iran, try and keep up with current affairs instead of the nonsense you read on Twitter. There will almost certainly be a revolution within Iran in the next six months, and hopefully Iran can cast off Islamic lunacy and join the ranks of civilized nations.

The regime believe Iran can be independent economically, even though their economy depends almost 100% on oil exports and they are currently exporting none. Perhaps they can export sand.

Yes, Iran’s one bomb that would never leave Iranian air space is a match against Israel’s 200 warheads.


Saved for posterity.

There exist people in this world who value some things above money. I really admire them.

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You are a closet Islamist mate, that is clear from your recent posts.

Also, you don’t need to tag me when you are responding to me, such poor internetting.

The Yanks are looking worried
And they’re going to worry more
Ooh ah Hezbollah
Ooh ah Hezbollah

The promise of 72 virgins?

The death of Soleimani / Suleimani has driven a few lads demented.

Perhaps. Perhaps just revenge, perhaps just honour, perhaps just patriotism. Perhaps they aren’t just all slaves to materialism and TFK likes the way we are.

The young Iranians remind me of the end of WB Yeats, An Irish Airman Foresees His Death. A great bunch of lads:-

Nor law, nor duty bade me fight,
Nor public man, nor cheering crowds,
A lonely impulse of delight
Drove to this tumult in the clouds;
I balanced all, brought all to mind,
The years to come seemed waste of breath,
A waste of breath the years behind
In balance with this life, this death.


As opposed to 75 Big Macs and an AK-47?

I don’t know how many Iranians you l know, but I know a fair few. All of them would have family still in Iran and most visit. The consensus is the sooner the Islamists are overthrown the better. That day is accelerated by sanctions which are crippling their economy, short term pain for long term gain.

He won’t like this.

Typical Israelis.


We now have an expert on Iranian public opinion posting here

He’s also an expert on Australian bush fires

What are the odds

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