Iraq / Middle East / Murder Thread

K m8

What’s an Islamist

It’s nothing got to do with Islamism, if Khamenei was gone the Iranians would still want to be a free people who could develop their economy how they wanted and the USA would still be trying to stop them. That’s what caused the Islamic Revolution in the first place, like I’m sure you’re aware. They’d still be in competition with the Saudis and the US would still back the Saudis, even though the Saudis did 9/11, just because the Saudis buy American weapons and don’t publicly humiliate them like the Iranians.

Also Iranians living in the US aren’t that representative of the country as a whole. Look at the crowds at Suleimani’s funeral.

I hope the Iranians blow up a US military base on 4 July and say “The Americans were planning attacks against us.”

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I hope they come to a peaceful resolution and no more lives are shed.

That’s fucking horrible mate

This is about honour


Get fucked. You’re championing loss of life.

He’s championing sticking up for yourself.

You have to beat a bully.

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A very dignified response.

A very simplistic analysis.

The only thing the US truly cares about is capitalism and maintaining capitalism as the dominant economic system. No question they have supported some horrible bastards and regimes to further that goal, but the alternative is much worse. The world is a much better place due to capitalist driven economic growth and continues to improve every decade in terms of eliminating poverty (real poverty, not I want a free house next to my parents poverty), fighting disease, reduced child mortality, longer lifespans, etc. More than half the world’s population are now regarded as middle class, that’s due to capitalism.

The US would most certainly not oppose Iran if they were a free democratic country, name one free democratic country that the US opposes either economically or militarily. The US opposes China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, all run by horrible evil bastards. Anyone who give a shit about freedom would do the same.

You are on the side of dictators like Putin and Islamic crackpots mate, it’s sad to see.

You’re a mentalist.

A “democracy” of gun totting, obese maniacs is the not the bastion of sanity, it’s the bastion of lunacy.


You believe in a Catholic fascist theocracy mate, and support Islamic fascist theocracies.

I wouldn’t be throwing the mentalist word around.

I’m a communist with great respect for the gift of life and living it with morality

You’re a fascist, obsessed with greed, interference and oppression.

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A Brigadier General is in command of the entire US forces in Iraq? :open_mouth: Is there less than 5,000 troops there now?

As a Catholic, you wouldn’t last a day in a communist country.
You are most welcome in the US though.

Sounds like he’s shitting it.

About 6,000.
Most of the US forces are in the gulf states, Kuwait, Qatar, UAE etc.

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I’m a practicing Catholic and committed communist.

The thing about Capitalist fanatics is that they would kill their own granny for a quick buck. They believe that they are beyond reproach, they are immoral.

There’s no such thing as a fanatical capitalist.

Fanatics are either religious or infected with insane ideology like Marxism.

There is and the reason you don’t know is because you are one and you are deranged.

Oh the Green and Red of Iran
I can see it still
Where soft and stupid Yankees
Will travel to get killed
Where one Bobby Sands of Ireland
Is remembered in their lore
Oh the feeling it came over me
To WUM labane some more
To wind him up some more

From its rolling coastal waters
I can see Tehran’s blue sky
Where each day of this year’s summer
The Yanks will go to die
Where Khomeini in his solitude
Wished death on USA
And with the ringin’ of his bell
Called the faithful there to pray
There to pray

Oh bomb the fucking White House
The home of the orange whale
Its walls they harboured terrorists
From the Bushes to Dan Quayle
And now Trump must depart it
And reality is plain
May his painful death come slowly
For Iran will win again
Will win again


You wouldn’t wind up a clock mate :joy: