Iraq / Middle East / Murder Thread

How about this, bro

Oh, Donny boy, your planes, your planes are falling
From glen to glen, and down the mountain side.
The Yanks are gone, and you like rats are crawling,
It’s you, it’s you, to blame for those who died

You ran like hell when you got hit with some ammo
Your orange face, it turned to white as snow,
Iran will be here in sunshine or in shadow,
Oh, Donny boy, oh Donny boy, we laugh at you so!

Watched that before Christmas, it’s excellent, the missed opportunities due to complete incompetence for both sides are a bit mad really.

I’d say there almost certainly won’t be, and if there is, it will either be brutally crushed with mass executions to follow, or some equally vicious despot will seize power.
I hope you are right, but I can’t see it.
The middle class don’t do armed revolt.

Bit of tog filling from the Israelis.
This was clearly a solo run however.

Youre just making that last bit up. You have no idea how the world would have turned without western interference in the middle east. I doubt it would have ended up much worse.

Ya how could you tell if, propping up the Shah in Iran, then arming Saddam to oppose Iran when their puppet fell, pivoting to the Saudis and giving them free reign to do whatever they want and arming them to the teeth as long as they sold them oil and traded it only in USD, attempting a coup in Syria, backing Israel no matter what, invading the Middle East but not toppling Saddam, going back to finish the job a decade later arming a load of militias all over Iraq with no idea what they’d do next, arming a load of militias all over Syria with no idea what they’d do next, signing then pulling out of a nuclear deal with Iran, made the situation in the Middle East worse or better :man_shrugging:


the yanks strike again.

Nice of Trump to give the Iranian economy a boost by driving up the price of oil.

The price of Bitcoin is going up too :grin:

A senior Iranian official said Tehran is considering 13 scenarios to avenge Suleimani’s killing, according to the state-backed Fars news agency.

“We will take revenge, a hard and definitive revenge,” the head of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards, General Hossein Salami, told mourners in Kerman.

Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and military commanders have said Iranian retaliation for the US action on Friday would match the scale of Soleimani’s killing but that it would be at a time and place of Tehran’s choosing.

Ali Shamkhani, secretary of the Supreme National Security Council, said 13 “revenge scenarios” were being considered, Fars news agency reported. Even the weakest option would prove “a historic nightmare for the Americans,” he said.

A lot of random numbers being thrown around

I think they should carry out all 13

Death to America!


Sounds like they’ve been at the Davy Fitz playbook


you need to take a break

If you had bothered to read my post, you would know I wasn’t talking about the ME, I was talking about the US and it’s support for capitalism. I agree western involvement in the ME has been destructive.

We absolutely do know that the alternatives to capitalism are much worse, we can look at the history of the USSR and every other country that adopted a communist model.

You could have saved yourself all that bother by reading my post where I said American policy in the ME since 1979 has been a disaster.

Just since 1979, eh?

The cycle of violence continues …

Or France

I’d much rather live in France than in the US, thanks

They also gave the great Ayatollah Khomeini a home, which was nice of them

Well you certainly won’t be coming to the US, being on the terrorist watch list.

Can you please link to this list

Is it available online

Death to America!