Iraq / Middle East / Murder Thread

Now you’re being ridiculous

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Vile post

50 more martyrs killed by Trump

The Muslims love a good keen

Our Hillsborough

Justice for the 50 plus

Fuck Donald Duckenfield Trump

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Is this someone going solo I wonder :thinking:

Iranian backed militias. Just as it was in Syria supporting Assad, lobbing missiles into Saudi, Hezbollah and on and on. It’s the Iranian Islamic state way, always use proxies and blame someone else. Lockerbie the prime example.

If that is true, then it’s tantamount to a declaration of war. :flushed:

Multiple bases according to some Fox News lads

The Iranians revolutionary guard themselves are claiming credit for this one. No pretence. Just we did it.

Can’t see how Trump doesn’t at least bomb the shit out of them

Sarah looks like a cracker


Heroic from the Iranians.

If there are no casualties from this then both side might be able to back down and save face. If US troops have been killed then all bets are off.

Iraq’s prime minister confirms receiving US letter “indicating withdrawal”

From CNN’s Jomana Karadsheh, Mohammed Tawfeeq, Tamara Qiblawi, Kareem Khadder and Ingrid Formanek

Iraqi Prime Minister Adil Abdul Mahdi confirmed receiving a letter from the US Command on Monday that the Pentagon later said was sent by mistake.

“Yesterday, we received the letter from the US Command that addressed the withdrawal. Four or five hours later, it was announced it was a mistake. The letter clearly indicates withdrawal from Iraq,” Abdul Mahdi said during his speech addressing the Iraqi cabinet today.

The prime minister is demanding clarification from the United States.

“When we hear the defense secretary say this was a mistake, how should we deal with something like this in the future? If we get a request, do we ask them if it’s authentic or not?” Abdul Mahdi asked.

The prime minister said he received two versions of the letter — one in Arabic and another in English.

“The Arabic translation in one of the paragraphs contradicted the English one,” he said in the cabinet meeting.

“When we told them the Arabic text is different from the English, they sent us another version that matched the English version,” Abdul Mahdi explained.

“This is not a paper that fell out of a photocopy machine or something that came by accident. They told us this is a draft but this is what a received. How do we act as a state?” he said

Is it inappropriate given we’re on a war footing, to say Sarah’s tidy?

Death to America!