Iraq / Middle East / Murder Thread

How are you going to bribe people if you dont have dirt on them?


Generally the Saudis just give them cash upfront or as favours for their donors

‘Click I agree’: the UN rapporteur says prince tried to intimidate Bezos with message


Never trust a Turk

Steady on.

I’d still never trust one theyre a serious shower

Nobel peace prize in the bag for this guy

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He really has a face you’d like to repeatedly punch.

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The art of the deal.

Negotiate only with one side. Give them everything they want. Make concessions in the deal that take effect whether the deal goes ahead or not giving away the few bargaining chips you have. Make the deal so bad that the other side couldn’t possibly accept it. Criticise the other side for not accepting said terrible deal.

Declare to the World you are a great man for working out a deal.

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About time someone gave it to them straight

He’s an epic cunt

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Some random no mark who successfully targeted one of the trumps.

This isn’t boris johnson you’re talking about?

That interview is actually worse than the headline suggests it could possibly be.

Russia wants to eliminate liberal democracy everywhere on the planet.

In Syria, their game has always been to create a catastrophe so bad that millions flee to Europe, while they simultaneously support far right crazies all across Europe. And now the Turks seem to be in on at least part of the game too.

The evils of Russia in Syria are at least as bad as the US in Iraq, probably worse at this stage, all supported by the US, or rather its Russian asset child emperor.

I see the Israelis are talking about annexing the settlements by the 1st of July. Surely cause a major kick off in the region