Iraq / Middle East / Murder Thread

Any word on who shot it and the luck they had to be randomly recording that part of the night sky ? And even more luck that the person who recorded it appears to be pro US… What luck for the western world that these totally random events happened.

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Typical shinnor

Asking questions?

Exactly, all questions and nothing constructive to contribute, ever.

That’s funny coming from a sheep. :sheep:


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Stay out of this kid, senior hurling ain’t for you


Point scoring and 176 dead. For shame

What has that to do with what I said?

Let me get this right, America kill 1 Iranian general and Iran responds by killing hundreds of Iranians?

That was a quick war


Trump is a genius.

Wasn’t Sidney saying these Iran lads weren’t to be messed with?

Looks like snitches get stitches in Iran

Iran plane downing: Person who filmed video ‘arrested’

So @anon7035031 is completely vindicated for the stance he took on this matter. Very embarrassing for the likes of @anon61878697 .

I can’t even remember commenting that much on the issue. Are you just picking me out because Did is suspended?

This is mad

Amazon boss Jeff Bezos’s phone ‘hacked by Saudi crown prince’

And the World will do nothing

The potential scale of this is staggering.
He could possibly have hacked devices of numerous heads of state and influential people to steal compromising information.

And yet the Turks had a microphone in the Saudi embassy, also this hack has ruined his chances of repeating any similar feat.