Iraq / Middle East / Murder Thread

Is that a ‘yes’?

Dunno mate.

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wonderful scenes as Dubai take a controlling interest in Beitar Jerusalem.
now this really ended well the last time a business from chechyna got involved…

peace, etc

Don working his magic today.

There’ll be some trump towers going up in Israel after this

It’s fairly embarrassing how transparently up for sale most of the Arab countries are. You can see why they’ve gotten nowhere.

An awful lot of them are shit scared of Eye Ran

I see Trump pardoned the blackwater lads who were convicted of a massacre over in Iraq where they killed 14 unarmed people including children.
Imagine how blatantly obvious it was that this was a massacre for it to make it to court and for that court to convict in a country where the military are held to no account at all.

A new low, for a man with some pretty low lows.

I’m sure it’ll be great for hearts and minds of Iraqis


He is without a single redeeming feature

Yeah, just as they were about to forget Barack, Bill, George and Hillary bombing the shite out of them. Its so frustrating!

He had one good moment in 4 years, when he said that after he got coronavirus that he felt 20 years younger. Shame George Lee wasn’t interviewing him when he said that.

The Chy-na thing was pretty funny to be fair to him

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Classic whataboutery

No, just chuckling at the idea that anyone would think Iraqis would see this latest crime as the straw that broke the camel’s back

Didn’t say that at all mate. But it doesn’t help does it?

True dat

Laughing that warren clown out of the room was hilarious, not to mention ‘crooked hilary’ etc. He’s a WUM beyond compare. And he’s a hell of a lot less of a right wing neo con that biden stooge, not that that’s saying much …

Sleepy Joe starts off kicking at a hornet’s nest

About time them Saudi cunts were brought to heel.

I see the US are speeding up their withdrawal from Afghanistan and the Taliban are already pushing the Government forces out.
Looks like they’ll be back in control by this time next year.
20 years, trillions and trillions, countless Afghani lives lost, and they are back where they were. If not worse

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