Iraq / Middle East / Murder Thread

It’s utterly depressing

Army regulars reportedly leaving the country in droves. Another wonderful chapter in Afghanistan’s history.
Civil war almost inevitable.

The Taliban taking over the whole country might nearly be the best outcome. The alternative and probably more likely scenario would appear to be 1000 different factions of which the Taliban are the largest one and tribal warfare ala Syria

Sadly this is probably true.

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Another success for the USA, champions of the world.

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They got their man though so they’re happy

The Brits have left too. But its OK, they might sort it out amongst themselves

He said that while it was fair to say the Taliban now held nearly 50% of the rural districts in Afghanistan and that the Afghan army would also “no longer have access to [western] air power” from within the country, he hoped there would eventually be peace talks between the Taliban and Afghan government.

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They’ll be back in power before the end of the year

What is this Pegasus scandal thing? Give me a brief summation please. How are the Hungarians involved, how are the Israelis involved and are the Saudis in it too?

Looking like July next year might have been a bit optimistic. Captured another city yesterday. 80 miles from Kabul. It would seem the Afghanis are being routed. Presumably they are falling back to Kabul and will put up a better fight. But you’d wonder will the Afghani army bother at all. A surrender might be best choice for everyone at this stage

Perhaps drawing them onto Kabul is their only option and then launch an offensive on them en masse.

Trying to take them on in various pockets of the Country is a waste of time.

I’d say half the Afghanistan army is in the Taliban.


I’d say they armed entirely with American weapons as well

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They didn’t hold much of the country anyway. The US and Brits were basically doing an Ireland 1920/21 job in control of only the capital and the bases they were in. They’ll never learn though, they’ll forget again in 10 years and be off into some other entanglement they can’t extract themselves from, leaving another country absolutely destroyed

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The might of the then USSR, with no media to record human rights violations, were sent packing, and colonel kfc and John bull thought they could do better :roll_eyes:


For Kabul 2021, read Mosul 2014.

The only question now is whether the Tallaght Band will stop at Afghanistan or take Pakistan as well

I’d imagine they’ll have learned from their mistakes and they’ll stay in their box this time and only ruin Afghanistan.

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