Iraq / Middle East / Murder Thread

The one thing you can be sure of with geopolitics is that people always learn from mistakes.


Ohhhhh oh oh
Ohhhhh oh oh
He comes from Afghanistan
He leads the Taliban
Ohhhhh oh oh

When did Osama lead the Taliban.

They are going to take out their main financial backer mate? Unlikely.

Pakistan back the Taliban because they want to keep down the Pashtuns who are a bit like the Kurds of the region. Yet they are wary enough of the Taliban understandably since Pakistan are themselves at war with the Pakistani Taliban. They perfrom a fairly remarkable feat of mental gymnastics that the two organizations are separate when backing one and fighting the other.
It’s complicated basically


This was very unsettling to watch. You’d weep for the innocents caught up in all this.

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It would be very funny if the Taliban sheltered another international terrorist who launched a second 9/11 now. The Yanks wouldn’t know if they were coming or going.

You know it’s going to happen.

Although hopefully when they re-invade they won’t waste their time looking for James Bond villain style bunkers under the Tora Bora mountains.

It wouldn’t

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Nothing to see here, move along

Fair play for deleting that for your own safety. Mossad are everywhere.

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Good for them. Wonder will “mas que un club” do the same

Instead of bombing sheppards using an xbox controller they can now blast them with a laser

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Austin Powers Shark GIF by reactionseditor

Dr Evil Laser GIF

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Before @Cheasty attacks me, I’m drawing attention to the number of beheadings rather than the whataboutery the Tweeter engages in.

Should I cheer for Chelsea or Newcastle tomorrow?

You’d think that perhaps the Houthis might just want to look at changing their messaging.