Iraq / Middle East / Murder Thread

Indian by a mile.

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Doesnā€™t bother me at all. Its just bizarre

Can you lot stop making up lies for one day?

Another dictator emerging?

I know Imran Khanā€™s first cousin quite well. Heā€™s married to an Irish lady. Heā€™s the loveliest and most interesting man, but he has a fairly short fuse. I hope this isnā€™t, but expect it is a familial trait.
Cc @anon67715551 cc @habanerocat

The army runs Pakistan

Me and Boxty arenā€™t rising to that oneā€¦ā€¦

Jesus mate

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Another fucking clown. Delete this shit.

Are the Ayatollahs losing control in Iran? Seems to be rightly kicking off there over the last few days.

We need to defend the freedoms of Saudi Arabia


We need to bring back the Ottoman Empire


Social Media feeds are gone mad saying Iran is sentencing 15,000 protestors to death. I canā€™t find anything about it online and itā€™d surely have been mentioned here. Whatā€™s the deal with it can anyone tell me? Social Media overreaction?

Things are really ramping up here again in recent weeks

Russia cheerleaders very silent about this:

Dear world, are you watching? These are not fireworks, and this is not a scene from a Hollywood movie. These are internationally banned white phosphorus bombs that are being used by the Assad regime and Russia to target innocent civilians in the middle of the night in the countryside of Aleppo, Syria.

The rural areas of Idlib and Aleppo are literally being subjected to massacres by the Assad regime and Russia amidst total international silence.

Thatā€™s horrible.
Looks like itā€™s getting bad in Israel too :flushed::grimacing: