Iraq / Middle East / Murder Thread

This will be the last Christmas for the world as we know it.

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Fairytale End Of New York

How do you see it playing out Cheasty??You’ve basically called everything correctly since march 2020

It’s possible Hezbollah will play tag team and we’ll see some action in the north come the New Year but I wouldn’t be sure either way.

The idea of the west is fucked, morally bankrupt now, Israel has pulled basically the entirety of western liberal democracy into the gutter with it and western liberal democracy has allowed it to do so.

Be grand. Relax and enjoy your Christmas

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I’m off to New York on Wednesday.

E mailed Andy mitten during the week so I’m linking up with the Manchester United supporters club for the Liverpool game Sunday week.

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Fire off a few bombs keep the mob happy


Hello world war 3

Relax pet. Go place a bet there or something

The Iranians are some boyos to stir shit.

The US and UK are going to bomb the shit out the Houti Fruity Rebels tonight.

It won’t change a whole pile or lead to any major escalation.

They are the easy target. They’ll have to go after Iran if they really want to stop things but no one has the stomach for that and Iran knows it

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Do you think Iran will escalate things ?

Sure they are flat out escalating things. But they won’t do anything direct. They don’t need to.

If I was a Houti I wouldn’t sleep at home tonight

Are you working in the foreign affairs department by any chance?

Your insight is off the charts, mate.