Iraq / Middle East / Murder Thread

They probably got it back empty

Essential viewing.

Looks like it’s all kicking off

Be grand chap, don’t worry yourself

Yanks are quare craic. The russians have spent the last week showing the world that all those billion dollar air defence systems are a bit shit. Now they want to flex their muscles against some good old reliable easily bombable shepherds, in the run up to an election.


Prob gave the Ukrainians some Stuff from the 90s they had lying around

They gave them their best air defence system- 1 billion a pop…it lasted into the eatly evening

Biden is damned either way. Not respond and he’s weak. Respond and he’s doing exactly what the Iranians Russians Chinese etc want. Turns out the middle East isn’t easily solved.

The houti shipping attacks are turning ships away from the Suez canal which adds weeks onto shipping and increases the cost of everything. More inflation. More issues for the West. Putin and friends and pulling all the levers

Looks like it’s all kicking off tonight.


The only people who want war with iran are the neocons…who are essentially most of the party known as the democrats and the republicans. Iran cant afford to take on the states, and theyve been openly saying as much, they’re just about recovering from their last battle with a US backed…wait for it…you’ll never guess…Saddam Hussain. Russia is delicately trying to tidy the Ukraine war without directly involving nato. The last thing they want is losing, or having to back an ally to or against nato
Meanwhile the US is looking at BRICS with about as much enthusiasm as they looked upon the prospect of an arab league of nations, which brings us back to iran


Why are the Iranian backed Houthis, Hezbollah and Iranian backed everyone else attacking US bases so? They should probably tell them to stop and stop sending drones to Ukraine if they don’t want to provoke the US that is.
It would almost seem like they are doing the exact opposite don’t you think?

The US has a long history of arming the people they end up fighting. Afghanistan another example.

They are not the cleverest bunch

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The US and UK… The good guys or something something… Bombing another country :person_shrugging:t2:


I dont think theyve armed or fought against these houthi lads though…theyve funded and fought with and against everyone from the moderate rebels to isis to the taliban, often simultaneously. But this doesn’t look part of the plan.

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I don’t think the Houthi’s would be attacking ships if Israel called a halt to their invasion of Gaza. The cunts

Bombing a load of goatherders who using $30 dollar drones to attack ships, Biden and Sunak decide to use missiles worth a million pound each to try and take them out

Murdering & starving thousands? Meh

Disrupt International commerce? We must stop this now!


There’s your problem; pensions invested in major armaments and munitions manufacturers need war to grow their investments.

They’re using million pound missiles to give the elderly brexit types something to wank over.