Iraq / Middle East / Murder Thread


Fuck off Bandage, you crushing bore. @mickee321 s observations about the Middle East are the best thing on the site and he has a lovely way of writing them up.

Go pick some apples, you old cunt.

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If an ISIS column makes a run for Syria, will the Yanks attack it?

The million dollar question. If they really want to finish them off then yes. But they don’t of course.

Not exactly a great source but

They haven’t completely encircled them, so there is an avenue for escape. Then again militarily speaking it would be drawing a serious bloodbath on yourself to encircle them and force them to fight to the finish.

:apple: :apple: :apple: :apple: :apple::green_apple:

How do you like them apples you cunt.

Lovely imported Pink Ladies there

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A Limerick lad was detained at Gatwick Airport as he was about board his flight to Turkey so that he could join the fight against ISIS.

Yeah we know. I posted it in the Limerick thread three hours ago.

who the fuck reads the Limerick thread?

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Come here I wancha ISIS

The indo fact-checker is broken again.

“A descendent of 1916 hero John Devoy, …”

Mad the way all these Syrian factions have their own YouTube & Twitter channels. Some crazy stuff on them

Sure what’s the point in Jihad if no one can see you doing it

You would want your head examined to be tail gunner on one of those jeeps.

Reports that an Irish fella blew himself up today in ISIS suicide attack in Iraq, possibly Khalid Kelly

Is he a hipster terrorist?

Ya ; ISIS are doing great craft beer !!!

10 minutes of footage from CNN of their reporter embedded with Iraqi forces as they pushed into Mosul before ISIS launched a counter attack and forced them back.


Thats no place for a woman to be