Iraq / Middle East / Murder Thread

Apparently Israel is on fire at the moment. Maybe they should have spent American money on a few sprinkers to go with their iron dome.


Israel’s on fire
The IDF are terrified

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will grigg, etc
sorry, ill get my coat

only in israel could a wildfire be called an act of terrorism, which is a bit thick as Baka Al Gharbiye is under threat from the flames

now im sure there is an element of terrorism after jumping on board to it with extra fires been started but the real root cause is very dry weather and high winds from north africa

i think at times like this its always good to heed the words of Rabbi Elyakim Levanon who states that fires are a punishment from God to the state of Israel after Netanyahu decided to evacaute some of the more controverial setlements in the west bank or samaria depending on your political inclination

i cant find the exact speech in english, its only in hebrew online but its an absolute cracker

One for the lookalikes thread.

Friend of the forum Busker Elyakim Levanon

Rabbi Tom


Hon Sliabh Luachra !!!

Eddie Lenihan is only in contact with the fairies, the Rabbi seems to be gone away with them altogether.

Live map of ISIS activities

Wikileaks published over 57,000 emails from the archives of Erdogan’s son-in-law, and Turkish Energy Minister, Berat Albayrak. The archive appears to contain proof of Turkish collaboration in the processing of oil held by ISIS.

“There have been numerous allegations in the Turkish media about Powertrans’ imports of ISIS-controlled oil to Turkey. Albayrak has repeatedly denied his connection to Powertrans, but the emails prove the opposite.”

Also fascinating to see the extent of state participation on propaganda activities on social media nowadays.

“The emails show that the AKP set up two teams to insert their own propaganda into social media platforms. The proposal for one team consists of coders, graphic designers, script writers and two experts on psychological warfare . A larger team consists of Twitter bot accounts that receive and spread pro-Erdoğan messages on social media . On 28 June 2013 the team initiated one of its first planned hashtag campaigns, “#DirenÇözüm”, using the protestors’ keyword “diren” (“resist”), while also suggesting that government wants a peaceful solution. In this email the team sends the hashtag and six possible messages for the AKP trolls to use .”

Looks like Assad’s crowd have more or less captured Aleppo, or the pile of rubble where Aleppo used to be more accurately. Last major city in rebel hands gone. Rebels still have a lot of land but not a lot of the population. Now that they hold all the aces they might negotiate a truce. There was some talk that Assad wouldn’t start until they had Aleppo

Fair play to Assad
that’s good fighting


Gas fuckers

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I would imagine westerners hitch hiking across the middle East is absolute lunacy ?

Another intervention the yanks have made a balls of. Russia will take over the world.

All they were short was the Irish soccer jersey and article

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Smart Kettles will bring down the West

once we all have smart kettles Putting will hack them, flick them on at once and booom their goes the grid.

ISIS retook Palmyra in Syria lately and the Russians are saying that the yanks are letting ISIS out of Mosul into Syria to further destabilise the region and it was these lads that retook Palmyra.
Some mess over there.

And a sign saying the “Peshmerga a great bunch of lads”


They refer to them as “the Pesh”.

I can’t wait for October 2028 and the “coalition” battle to retake Raqqa.