Ireland captain Rory Best refuses to comment on attending team-mates' trial

What a vile quisling this hun cunt is


Did this need a separate thread? Dungeon.

we don’t want Best & Smiths behaviour and cowardice lost in the main rape thread


Alleged rape.

He needs to be dropped immediately.

And knee capped

I hope you’re bringing more than a bit of manufactured outrage to the table here :sleeping:

Disgraceful conduct from Ireland captain Rory Best OBE supporting alleged rapists in court after the alleged victim had specifically cited her fears that Ulster rugby would circle the wagons and attempt to have this case buried.

Also totally unprofessional for him to be appearing at an alleged rape trial days before an annual friendly v France.

Joe Smith is as bad for allowing this to unfold on his watch.


The oirish media very quiet

Interesting hashtag developing on twitter


I suspect that Rory best is a thoroughly nice person. He has pretty much has always carried himself admirably. He has gone way out on a limb here to support colleagues who at the present time are innocent, and have clearly convinced him personally that they have done no wrong.
It will not make an iota of difference to the decision of the jury, and he stands only to lose massively by it. It is the epitome of friendship, and in that, he shows himself the kind of person with whom one would willingly go to war (poor choice of phrase, but I can’t think of another).
It may be that his trust has been entirely misplaced, and I would call his attendance into question, given the fact that he is the captain of the national team, but, his motives and courage cannot be questioned here. He knows he will be crucified if they are found guilty, which they very well may be, whether they are guilty or not.


Maybe he’s just a cunt


Maybe. I really don’t think that he is though.

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People the world over must be cunts so for supporting family and friends before they are found guilty of anything. :rollseyes:

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In those circumstances, there is little further personal cost.
Rory Best will be excoriated if they are found guilty, and he had every excuse and reason in the world not to go.

I get that. I’m not sure he should have gone but if the IRFU permitted it then the PR problem is theirs alone.

I’d say they just didn’t feel it their place to tell him he couldn’t.

He had no business going.I’m sure he’s already told Jackson and olding how he feels.He made a holy show of himself and the IRFU.

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A huge chunk of them would be

The oirish captain shouldn’t be going to rape trials days before an international


Exactly.The thick black cunt.