Ireland captain Rory Best refuses to comment on attending team-mates' trial

Do no close friends and family have business going to a trial?

I understand the POV that it’s bad PR but if the IRFU authorised it that’s on them not him.

Not 2 days before a big game,he could have at least wore his civvies.

I don’t see your point here. Two friends went to another friend’s trial, in normal circumstances that doesn’t raise any eyebrows.

I agree if he wasn’t authorised to if he asked or just went without asking them he deserves criticism from an IRFU perspective, otherwise it is not his problem.

They didn’t go as “friends”.They were representing Ulster and the IRFU.Disgraceful carryon.


Who said they were?

They went in their civies so I don’t know wtf you’re being on about.

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There must have been a sale on in Ivan Moffats

Wonder how the women’s rugby team feel about the men’s captain attending the trial. Guilty or not these lads behavior was atrocious


Some lads can’t seem to get their heads around this at all

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Amazing. The young lads in KMPG or PWC a few years ago were pilloried for commenting on photos.

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At the very least it was an abysmal call by the IRFU to allow players go to this?

If they aren’t mentally shook up by being at the trial it says lots about how the rogbee set view women


Would you have done it?

They are his employers FFS.


Is it?

I think it’s a pretty poor excuse from him and given the IRFU didn’t clear him to go (that we know now), he is due some criticism for going from a PR perspective.

Now let that be the end of it ye septic cunts

It’s pure irfu pr media speak

I don’t see the backtrack though?

He went supporting his friend according to the rogbee boys on here, now he is saying he wanted to hear her story