Ireland captain Rory Best refuses to comment on attending team-mates' trial

There is none. He was being roundly criticised for not adressing the issue. Now he has adressed it. Whether you agree or disagree with what he has said is a moot point. There was nothing to backtrack on because its his first utrerrance on the subject

Its absolutely disgusting the posting that some people have done about this. Girls life ia ruined. Regardless of outcome of trial or rights or wrongs of whats happened ( and I dont know what happened no more than anyone else on here)


Rory Beat didnā€™t say anything though, thereā€™s no backtrack from him. :neutral_face:

Oh, so you were wrong?

Best out

Thereā€™s not much point in saying it but thereā€™s a lot of really dumb people out there who think they are helping and being empathetic but are not.

If this case goes Not Guilty I guarantee there will be many who sweep behind the rugby establishment causing that. Itā€™s a very dangerous line to take, we have a justice system and we have to let that play out. Blowing this up as an issue does absolutely nothing for people coming forward in the future.

How so?

You told us he was there supporting a friend

That was an assumption, I did not know he was a character witness. Did you?


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In part they are. In part they arenā€™t.
Would I have done it? Probably not, but what he did was certainly not cowardly. It was actually a brave thing to do.

Edit, Iā€™ve only read his press release there now.

There was nothing brave about it at all. Watching a young woman giving evidence about an alleged rape, and what was almost certainly a horrific experience for her regardless of the outcome of the trial, is not fucking bravery.

At its absolute best it was horribly misjudged and inappropriate.


Rory Best has gone down in my book. I always thought he was just a typical great grandson of plantation ulster scot farmer type cunts, fairly inoffensive generally but then you have this public loyalty to alleged rapists on trial, I was shocked by that.

I honestly dont understand the logic there, especially given the fact that their franchise would refuse to play a provincial game of rugby of a Sunday due to religion.

The IRFU are an absolute disgrace, Irelands call, fuck right off.



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Im glad we agree on the key points mate. I find the IRFUā€™s line to be abhorrent on this.


More like intimidation than bravery.


She was behind a screen, unless all the court reporters are lying. Unless the two boys were roaring ā€œStand up for the Ulstermenā€ itā€™s unlikely she knew they were there.


I heard they roared ā€˜go up and give her another slap of the mickey, Paddyā€™, so donā€™t rule it out.

Best, like any private citizen, is free to attend court and provide a character reference if he so wishes.

The issue is, though, he isnā€™t just a private citizen. Heā€™s the Ulster and Ireland rugby captain. At its very best itā€™s the appalling timing and crass insensitivity shown. He rocks up a day after the court had heard evidence that the complainant was initially reluctant to come forward as she feared sheā€™d have to face the might of Ulster rugby. Then as she is on the stand, facing a dreadful ordeal irrespective of the verdict, the most powerful member of Ulster rugby appears in support of two of the accused. It absolutely stinks. Time and a place. Not three days before an international match.

Only the people who were in the room that night know what went on. If they didnā€™t do it - and I hope to God for the sake of this lady they didnā€™t - I hope they are found not guilty.

Guilty or not their behaviour that night was vile and to have an influential figure like Best show up in what could be construed as an intimidatory act is just atrocious.