Ireland in the EU

Ireland should leave the euro single currency.

It would never be allowed though.

You’d hardly fit Fifi in the back of a Yaris

Bigger chance of getting her into a yaris than a ka

Neutrality evolving :smiley:

The militarisation of the EU is a major concern. We’re slowly becoming the US in all but name.

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What’s a Taiseach?


A person who thinks neutrality can evolve.

That treacherous cork cunt Coveney has been pushing this for a long time

The EU as a whole are. They’re using the migrant crisis as one excuse to tool up.

Would it not be the war they are using

Of course, its another smoke screen but the migrant crisis precedes that. It’s a worrying trend but not surprising

Do our budgets still have to be shown to Germany before Paddy?

Sinn Féin are against an EU army. Our neutrality is based on us laying claim to Northern Ireland in our constitution. That’s the real reason we’re not accepted by NATO. We have a holier than thou attitude on our neutrality, but few speak about the real reason.

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That’s spot on.

People like @Thomas_Brady don’t understand the reasons for neutrality in the first place, let alone what it means.

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That’s apparently a Taoiseach. A Taiseach isn’t anything really.


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Shur if the Carkies had their way , we’d be back in “the union”

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You’re a war monger. You support war, the armament of the EU and an EU army. But so long as it’s other people fighting and dying only…

I’d wager that the majority of Irish people support neutrality and that gnaws away at you.

The EU should be using it’s position to promote peace around the globe. Instead it’s merely a front for colonialism


Here, have a read of the Good Friday Agreement like a good lad.

…and get back to me.

So our neutrality is based on us laying claim to the north? @glasagusban ?