Ireland in the EU

And all the companies funding the country leave and have to get ripped off by the banks exchanging our money for Spanish money to go on our holidays?


We’re richer than ever now pal.

GDP growth of 15 per cent this year.

The boom is back baby.

We’ll knock off another couple of % in corporate tax - 10% sounds good.

Ah you’re just angling to enrich the corporations?

You judge a country on basics - by the state of it’s health and housing and so on- … Not on all these high end jobs that foreign workers are required to come in and do as we dont have the people with skills for them. GDP - A grand figure to hide behind but it’s all shite - it has no real meaning when the average Irish person is being priced out of life.

No, i’d just make them pay 10.13% tax …

You’ll love Cuba so. Your father would not have been let study for free in college for a decade.

The quality of life in Ireland and money available is unprecedented in my lifetime.

Paddy being shocked not being able to buy a house in the capital city of an economic powerhouse. Let him try and buy in any European capital - same issues apply.

The health system is in shit because of vested interests

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War abow all de Polish craackers that moved here ?


He’s campaiging on a Frexit ticket the cheeky cunt.

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It could only go one way after last year ffs. It’s like Mo Salah celebrating getting more goals this year than the year he spent injured

We’re just the 650 per cent over the average

We closed down everything shur, you couldn’t take a shit here in 2020

A land mark case

I read the RTE article yesterday and I assume it’s the same. It explained that the case was thrown out because it wasn’t presented correctly. If they go back to the NI courts and proceed correctly, there’s a good chance that the outcome will be different.

Presented incorrectly ? Really , they spent enough tax payers money going after that bakery dragging them to every court in the land . Even their own legal team were probably perplexed by the whole thing.

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I can’t possibly see how he could have won it in the first place

The single currency has failed.

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He had the great, good and woke onside. He’ll win eventually with those odds sadly

It just makes no sense to me. If I go to a Ford garage in the morning and tell them I want to buy a Toyota, can I sue the cunts?

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