Ireland politics (Part 1)

What’s the point of being garda commissioner if you can’t protect the integrity of the force as you see fit? A nothing story… That McCabe is sickening … As for Howlin… Lolz is all I can say.

He’s admitted it hasnt he?

That it wasn’t his source had been in contact with O Sullivan. But another journalist had told his source. But his source was “rock solid”

Given everything that’s happened on noirins watch, the only way she could protect what’s left of the integrity of AGS is to get the bullet or quit

O Sullivan sent two super Nintendos in to lie to a judge. Don’t know why people are reluctant to believe what Howlin has alleged. The Gardai are a disgrace at the top. The shite they’ve tried to pin on McCabe. Imagine if he hadnt recorded the conversation. Like the Blueshirts, their arrogance was their undoing.


I don’t doubt what he’s saying at all. Just irresponsible delivering third hand info the way he did. A reputable newspaper wouldn’t do it

There’s no such thing in ireland

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True enough.

Even if he had heard direct from a journalist who had spoken to o sullivan hearsay is hardly enough to make public the accusations .

When McCabe himself came forward he had a litany of hard evidence, tape recordings etc

Oh I agree that’s it’s hearsay and takes away somewhat from what was alleged in the dail.

But given what’s gone before in this whole sorry saga leads me to give a lot of credence to it and after what happened to Gemma O’Doherty and McCabe would you blame anyone for not putting their head above the parapet.

The fact that the govt haven’t released O’Neills report either is fairly telling

It’s usually when incidents like this crop up and pressure mounts on the government that yer man Austin Stack is wheeled out. Look over there! The IRA did something in the 1980s and Gerry Adams is covering it up!


It’s pretty fortunate that Adams keeps on giving them an out alright. He prob wasn’t thinking about the long term consequences when he was ordering Jean McConville’s abduction though …

Nope, he was trying to stop a tout putting nationalists lives at risk.



Loose lips sinks ships.


For sure

He can hardly whine when his actions have consequences now so

Apologies for interrupting the age old Gerry argument.

Here’s Stephen Donnelly’s email.
I just had immense fun writing him an email. It felt great. I would encourage others to do likewise.

Post up your email to him please.

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It could do with some editing (slightly rambling) but I wanted to get it sent while I had tthe opportunity.

Dear Stephen,

What is there to say??? I’ve admired you for a few years now. Hell, I had you at 8/1 with Paddy Powers to be elected in 2011 because I thought you were an excellent speaker and had integrity.* As a self-employed small business owner I identified with a lot of your opinions. So you can imagine my disappointment in hearing this week’s news.
You were elected by people who most certainly DIDN’T want to vote for FF. I’m sure you’ll agree with that. And yet you decided to do join FF. You’ve constantly argued that we needed something different, a new vision on which to build our society. Does FF offer that? Look at your new party’s position on water charges(to name but one example). Is that new politics or the dirty, snakelike populism they have shown down the years repeatedly. I apologise if that offends you but it used to be your opinion not too long ago as pointed out by Drivetime, and you weren’t shy about letting us, the people, know about it. Down with the old ways, jobs for the boys, etc. The FF way. So why the change of heart?
The Social Democrats polled fairly well in lots of constituencies and your 3 major TDs topped the polls. That’s a mandate. Turning your back on the people who elected you is exactly what you would expect from a FF party member; dirty, obvious, naked political opportunism.
I wonder how, having failed to make any impact with a party you designed, you think you can implement change through the the longstanding beacon of corruption that is FF? Either you have changed or you think you can change FF, which would lead me to believe that you are either extremely naive or superman. I imagine neither is the case. So in truth, your assertion that they are the party that most represent your position seems to actually be correct. I hope you enjoy your time at the Galway races.

Yours in disgust, dismay and resignation,


*This is a white lie. @RaymondCrotty posted him up as a bet and I checked him out because of that. It’s a pity Ray’s political judgement has gone to shit since he went native.
** I signed my real name


only nutters write emails like that


You’re probably right. Sane people spend their time on tfk liking every single one of @Nembo_Kid’s posts.

Sweep sweep.