Ireland politics (Part 1)

But that’s Tusla’s term, not Garda management’s. The level of complicity involved for it to happen would involve it being done by a Tusla/HSE director - presumably at the behest of a senior guard. it’s a stretch to even conceive of it.

Mick Clifford is not form cork

He’s not? UCC alumni anyway, Carkness has corrupted him like it did @ChocolateMice

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No he is actually a kerry man

I don’t know chief. But there is something absolutely rotten about the whole thing. This thing has the capacity to shake the whole country to its core.

It appears they are saying the file was circulated by clerical error. Not credible and Charleton will have to move fast to get discovery of the entire file

As if.

Clifford is a pure Kerry name

Seems like a genuine mistake to me.

False child sex abuse claims that lead to files from Tusla being created before it subsequently is discovered that it was all a big misunderstanding must be quite common.


This is all going to fall on Callnans lap

Sickening stuff here.

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I know.
Why does there have to be camp gays on it every week?

Watching this on the +1 now.
He’s going to take them to the absolute cleaners on this. Shocking stuff.

Was the first report made against him genuine and long pre dating the whistle-blower issue?

Or was that a retaliation for another row he’d had at work

McCabe initially made a complaint against a colleague who was subsequently disciplined, this was before he became a high profile whistle-blower. I think the complainant was a child of this colleague, and the alleged incident happened 10 years previously. So you’d have to question the veracity of the initial claim and the DPP seems to have been satisfied that if the incident did happen, it wasn’t even a crime.


The sequence is

He makes a complaint about a colleague.

Colleague is disciplined

Child of colleague makes complaint about incident that happened over a decade previously

DPP says there is nothing in it

Matter rests for a decade

Matter crops up again when Mc Cabe is making his allegations.

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As an aside Katie Hannon is a superb reporter.


So alleged incident occurred 20 years ago…two separate complaints ten years apart?

McCabe 2 commissioners 0

Not really two separate complaints.
It’s the same complaint, by the same girl, but the circumstances around how it’s been brought to the fore the second time are odd. Apparently she was in counselling, mentioned the abuse to the councilor who in turn reported it to Tusla. But somehow, supposedly due to a “clerical error”, the report to Tusla contained completely untrue allegations.

The person leading the investigation into Dave Taylor, and has possession of all his phones which would contain the evidence Taylor needs to prove his allegations against O’Sullivan, is Noreen O’Sullivans husband :open_mouth:

How the fuck is that allowed to happen.