Ireland politics (Part 1)


Chinese walls

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He was also promoted to Chief Superintendent by his wife


Fellas be laughing at the trumps!!!


A great little country.

This could lead anywhere. A series of bizarre events. What a fucking mess. Only for McCabe is so persistent this would have all gone away too. He’s the Paul Kimmage of the guards :sweat_smile:


A mess my bollox . A fucking conspiracy .


Ah ya. A really poorly put together one though. Had they just humoured him in the first place and made a few token gestures it’d be all done now

True . The stupidity and incompetence is astounding .

Are the journalists briefed by O’Sullivan willing to go on the record?

If this is indeed what it appears to be, O’Sullivan should be going to jail.


Again she deserves “due process” but Jesus there is an appalling vista here . Justice Charleton has a big task .

Surely get a five year tribunal out of it?

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Ya ; given the seriousness could get bogged down with challenges etc …

We have to get the cover-up out of the way first.

You’d wonder where Paul Williams got this story

This was after the supposed clerical error had been discovered…


From the article:

She wants her case looked at again in a similar fashion to those being reviewed by Sean Guerin SC, on foot of a dossier of alleged systemic garda malpractice compiled by whistleblowers Maurice McCabe and John Wilson.

The woman is also seeking a meeting with Fianna Fail leader Micheal Martin who brought the whistleblowers’ file to the Taoiseach’s attention last month.

That’s the million dollar question. You can be sure she wasn’t back channelling to mick Clifford.

Assume the tusla revelations give her some cover here I. E. Maybe I was gossiping out of turn but I didn’t make this up it was tusla mistake. Of course the gossiping should be more than enough to see her gone from her job. Might save her from a defamation of character case directly though

Doubt it Dan. If she’s relying on the CFA doc then she’s in the shit for not investigating it. If Charleton puts the dots together she could face criminal charges for harassment and bulkying

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She should. But will she? I doubt it. Unbelievable really that two commissioners in a row fall over the same man. The stupidity is unbelievable.

I’d say the ordinary rank and file must be absolutely seething at how much this undermines their credibility


I only heard a summary of this on the radio this morning. Is the official story that someone, nearly ten years after the original claim was made, accidentally opened his file and pasted in a serious sex allegation which then nessecitated a new investigation to be opened? But the investigation was never opened, but the story that the investigation was opened somehow got out?

Is that right?