Ireland politics (Part 1)

It says he was disciplined after McCabe’s complaint, presumably either still in the job or retired by now.
The counsellor doesn’t seem to be a Tusla employee on my reading of it. There has to be some connection between either the girl’s father and the counsellor and/or the local Garda management, or all three.

FF and FG up to their necks in it, they’re all circling the wagons. Fortunate for us that their incompetence knows no bounds or else they could have easily swatted this one away. Instead they just dug a bigger hole to put manners on a whistleblower. Fair play to the likes of Wallace, Ming, Clare Daly and Catherine Murphy. Now we know why the establishment were bemoaning the increased popularity of independents.


TUSLA was established in January 2014 but if took on a existing functions .

The other copper back to 2006 is a curious one . Really curious and sinister when you think it through .

The real scary thing here is how much political capital has been spent on the whole Garda whistleblower scandal . The top echelons of AGS have huge power to do damage which is scary.

Frances Fitzgerald was the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs up to May 2014, when she took over from Shatter as Minister for Justice.

When did these false rumours about McCabe become widespread? Sometime over the winter of 2013/14, wasn’t it?

Paul Williams wrote that story which was clearly about the false McCabe rumours in April 2014.

And Noirin O’Sullivan tells us that she only became aware of these rumours yesterday?

This is quite clearly nonsense. Every person in a relevant high ranking position in the Gardai or Government must have been aware of these false rumours since at least the winter of 2013/14. The alternative is that they were all completely incompetent.

And how the fuck can Noirin O’Sullivan’s husband be the one investigating Dave Taylor?


Ministers are now openly briefing against each other.

Harris has announced he knew nothing of the Tusla allegations which were originally sent into his department.

There will be a few more beans spilt by the 9pm news this evening

Enda hasn’t Haughey’s ability to manage a shitstorm .

How come no journalist nor politician asked why McCabe wasn’t being investigated given the seriousness of his alleged crimes? At least on that count we can say the cops weren’t investigating because they knew it wasn’t true. But what about the journalists? What sort of spineless cunts are they to spread this story yet never ask the most obvious question of all?

The girl at the centre of this is said to have met Tusla counsellor aged 21 but Tusla counselling is for 18 and under?

Hardly widespread - I vaguely remember hearing about it but it wasn’t common currency by any stretch. No-one here made any reference to it until this latest turn of events.
Garda management were obviously aware of it seeing as it was central to their plan of discrediting McCabe. Government not so much.

Not a Tusla counsellor, not stated anywhere that I can see.

I assume Paul Reynolds will be on 9pm news tonight. He always has the inside scoop. The cunt.


Widespread within Garda/political/journalism circles and cliques, as opposed to on a public forum.

You vastly overestimate the information-handling capabilities of said gardai/journos/politicians. 'Twas fuck all to do with most of them so broadly ignored. And if you had any sense you’d be running a mile from getting involved.

You’ve seen most of our TDs

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Largely ignored story I’d say Art. I don’t remember it being talked about on VinB or any such programme or any other journos running with it.

It seems like most journals fact checked. Look at the author of that article

I’m sure I know who wrote it without looking