Ireland politics (Part 1)

Mick Clifford would be getting a pullitzer if this was happening in US. Clearly one of the few people McCabe trusted. How the fuck McCabe could trust anyone with this shit storm going on in donā€™t know


He knew he couldnā€™t go near INM anyway, lucky Clifford persevered with it too, wasnā€™t getting a lot of traction for a long time.

Examiner stuck with it too. Probably in face of pressure from all angles

BREAK: @MaryLouMcDonald says there needs to be a clear and comprehensive statement from @FitzgeraldFrncs or her resignation

MaryLouMcDonald accuses @FitzgeraldFrncs of misleading the Dail yesterday

Katie Hannon said last night that the rumour ā€œwas so widespreadā€ (emphasis hers).

Technically Williams would have been within his rights to publish the story given the contents of the TUSLA file, as it was only corrected in May 2014 ? ā€œFact checkingā€ would have said there was a case.

Isnā€™t that the point of conspiracy - create ā€œalternative factsā€ - ie falsehoods that have a whiff of plausibility.

Williams is a mouthpiece for the Garda hierarchy so would have had no qualms about publishing, especially knowing who the person at the centre of the false allegation was.

Maybe Iā€™m naive in believing this, but maybe most reputable journalists who had heard the false allegation about McCabe had a good idea what was really going on so decided against publishing?

Niall Collins the cunt on The Last Word now. Heā€™s been spouting ā€œnothing to see hereā€ for months now. Trying to deflect away from the GardaĆ­ again. Heā€™s flapping like the proverbial seal having a wank.


What is he hiding?

He comes across as a complete shill for the Gardai, the political version of Paul Williams.

Last May, he said ā€œthe public want to move on and draw a line under this whole thingā€.

Most likely, but also part of why it wasnā€™t being widely covered.
Iā€™d take journalistic protestations like Hannonā€™s with a pinch of salt - they all knew about Haugheyā€™s lifestyle, they all knew about Anglo-Irish junkets, they all knew about the Galway tent etc. Always after the deluge mind you.

One of the biggest cunts in the Dail - and thatā€™s saying something.

More concerned with writing to judges to appeal for leniency on behalf of a convicted drug dealer because there might be a few votes in it for him.

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This country needs a dictatorship and Iā€™m the right man for it.


Weā€™ve tried being ruled by foreigners already thanks :thumbsup:


It was already overwhelming public opinion (at least amongst those who cared) during the first months of 2014 that there was a concerted smear campaign by the Gardai against whistleblowers - most obviously symbolised by the ā€œdisgustingā€ comments by Callinan in January 2014.

Even then you wouldnā€™t have put anything past them in their attempts at smearing.

False plausibility and plausible deniability runs through all this.

You need a dictatorship, Iā€™m a man who will hold people accountable for what theyā€™ve done, an unerring, unflappable giant who acts with a moral code.

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Frances tries to cover herself and zapper

Fails miserably

Contradictory much? Itā€™s somewhat irrelevant anyway. As said earlier, tracing the connection between the counsellor, the complainant and her father and local Garda management should explain a lot. The political collateral damage will work itself out now.

The Romans never had the balls to invade Ireland.

For what, the alcoholic, spud munching natives?

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They would have got the shit knocked out of them, your lot are only good for running chippers.

Conveniently the staple of the Oirish diet.

Rule the spud market and youā€™ll rule the Oirish.

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We didnā€™t get the spud til the 16th century, the Romans were yesterdayā€™s men by then.