Ireland politics (Part 1)

Two guards who were “spitting in the soup” have had fake child abuse files created about them in a separate State organisation. Gotta wonder what they have (real or concocted) on politicians in FF and FG.

The GS are corrupt from top to bottom and need to be disbanded.

Registered blueshirt @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy desperately trying to deflect from what has been a dreadful day for his beloved FG. Fair play to Benny Howling for having the CoJones to kick this off.

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Any chance Paul Kimmage could be put to work on the story, I wonder?

Ken Early is apparently starting his own political podcast next week.

Would you be more comfortable if it wasn’t such a rural voice bringing all this out in the open sid?


Potatoes hadn’t been discovered and brought to Ireland during Roman times, mate.

Zappone has issued a fresh statement saying she didn’t tell her cabinet colleagues about the Tusla element to the interaction with McCabe.

The fucking dyke.

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Sorry guys, not cool.

Tulsa aplology to McCabe delivered to wrong home


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Egg on Mary Lou face now

The bint

On the list of wrongdoings in this whole saga, Zappone, if she committed any, is way, way down the list, and yet she’s nearly getting the most media attention at the moment.

You’d wonder whether the media can’t see the wood for the trees here, or if they’re deliberately missing it.


Yes, that’s the story here alright.

Martina Fitzgerald on the news here talking about pressure increasing on Minister Zappone. Yes, she’s the main problem here alright. :rollseyes:

Though she did allude to the point I made earlier. It’s not credible that Zappone told Kenny and Fitzgerald, “I’m off to meet Maurice McCabe, lads.” And they replied, “Grand so.”

As if they wouldn’t have wanted to know exactly what it was in relation to given who she was meeting.

Agreed , Zappone was utterly naive. The whole thing is well bigger than that. There is a lust for a head on a plate rather that truth and justice.

I am commentating in real time pal. Always entertaining to see Mary Lou make a tit of herself as she comes out swinging and doesn’t land a glove.

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The Indo will probably circle the wagons to protect Fitzgerald because Mary Lou McDonald has been after her head.

Anybody seen Paul Williams yet?

When is Collette Fitzpatrick leaving Newstalk?

Will Alan Quinlan now have to fill in to cover this story?

Her questioning of Fitzgerald in the DĂĄil yesterday and what followed today certainly constitutes landing a punch.

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This is utterly bizarre it’ll make a great long read, for the uninitiated as to how Ireland works, once it all comes out in the wash

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Who killed the priest in at the wedding in Offaly ?

You’re just another establishment lackey supping from the trough.

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