Ireland politics (Part 1)

A member of FF royalty knows and was there that night, but never questioned

You donā€™t know even at this removeā€¦

Old hat now pal.

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I know the story pal, I was only just referencing it as part of Julios post about how the guards and politics operate in Ireland.

ā€œCoughsā€ā€¦You know yourself the intricacies of living in rural Ireland.

Between Cumann meetings/pints/checkpoints youā€™d need a nod and a wink to stay motoring. Communication solves a lot as this sorry debacle has exposed. Iā€™m with McGuiness on this one - a criminal investigation.

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Unbelievable. You couldnā€™t write it.

Tulsa are by all accounts a joke of an organisation. It would be harm if they were gutted as an outcome of this investigation.

In fairness to all right minded citizens of this country there is great credit due to Co.Wexford in all this.

Mick Wallace has lead (as distinct from led) the charge until he found his powder running scarce. He was largely being ignored by the Ceann Comhairle is my feeling, but the redoubtable Mick squared the ball to fellow constituent Howlin.

Howlin, like that other useless cunt Hoolahan, provided the 1 great ball into the box and BOOM.

Michael Darcy then pulled a hamstring, seeing the vote slip away and bailed ship with the party line.

Wexford will be headline news Sunday evening - Yellow-Bellies piked in Carrick-on-Shannonā€¦

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Anybody recall this?


FF true colours really coming out these past few days. Indo already calling it the tusla scandalā€¦ Zappone next up in firing line. Ignoring it was a senior Gardai operation from start to finish as is already on sworn record thanks to officer Taylor.
If the people of Eire swallow this spin and misdirection itā€™s even sadder than I thought for this country


The Examiner front page seems more focussed on the cabinet blame game already, thought they might have kept it where it needs to be.

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All this he said/she said nonsense about cabinet members is ultimately utterly irrelevant.

If the focus is on this, itā€™s political journalism of the worst kind.

Fintan Oā€™Tooleā€™s piece today is quite good:


ā€œThe unavoidable question is whether there was collusion to smear McCabe between some person or persons in the Garda and some person or persons at Tusla. All we can say at this stage is that a good criminal investigator would not rule it out without some plausible evidence to the contrary.ā€

Itā€™s not that difficult to chase down. The file was created locally. The cut-and-paste excuse is on record and attributable to someone within Tusla. There is a paper trail. There isnā€™t a massive number of people to be interviewed to account for it, and the connection between the people involved will probably become readily apparent.

Further to the April 12th, 2014 article linked yesterday, Paul Williams claimed that the Irish Independent (presumably him) were in contact with the woman at the centre of the false allegations in an article three days later, and some big claims by her are her quoted in the article:

ā€œThe fact that the original complaint and the subsequent investigation were not recorded on the gardaā€™s Pulse system, I believe was done in an effort to cover it up, and I want this fully investigated.ā€

ā€œI honestly think that it was just brushed under the carpet which is why the incident was not even recorded on the Pulse system. The investigation was a farce.ā€

ā€œThe whistleblowersā€™ controversy brought back to me the whole anger about what happened to me, and reinforced the reason that I hadnā€™t originally come forward ā€“ because I was afraid of not being believed.ā€

Some ā€œclerical errorā€, alright.

McCabe blew the whistle on the Pulse system not being updated so they twisted it around and said the system wasnā€™t updated for him either. Quite the clerical error indeed. This is hammering the hammer but not in The Sunday Game cliche way.

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If Zappone had any sense she would just say she didnā€™t tell the cabinet as she didnā€™t think she could trust some members based on how McCabe had previously been treated and she was trying to protect him until she had found a solutionā€¦

No member of cabinet is gonna come out and argue with her on it


This never happened - I think anyway. The initial complaint of being tickled inappropriately) is mild enough in nature, and could have been made by the teenage daughter at the behest of her father who has a grudge against McCabe. The girl has grown up by the allegation has mutated into the suggested digital penetration complaint. By that stage she wants fuck all to do with it anymore, but whomever has been using it keeps it alive to sully McCabe. Where is that girl now I wonder?

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Paul Williams is now part of this story, given that he published at least two articles about the false allegations against McCabe while the smear campaign was in full swing - one in which it is implied Williams spoke to the woman at the centre of the allegations and carries quotes by her.

How can this person present the main morning current affairs show of a national radio broadcaster on Monday and cover this topic with any credibility whatsoever?


I liked the bit at the end

ā€œMs Oā€™Sullivan spoke briefly to the media yesterday to say her thoughts were with Sgt McCabe and his family.ā€

Iā€™m sure they are alright

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It hasnā€™t though. Her complaint hasnā€™t changed has itā€¦the digital penetration complaint is nothing to do with her we are told itā€™s the copy and paste error is all that brought that into the equation

The quotes Williams uses do not tally with there being a clerical error by Tusla and do not tally with the woman wanting nothing more to do with the allegations, as is now reported, at least as of April 2014.

They tally with an organised smear campaign, of which the journalist is part, and which the woman, possibly pushed by her father, willingly participated in, before apparently later backing out.

Thatā€™s if the quotes are genuine.

The two articles Williams wrote on April 12th and 15th, 2014, also tally with senior Garda management exploiting and pushing the situation to the full in order to smear McCabe.