Ireland politics (Part 1)

I reckon he was trained to use narrative/story telling as it makes a much bigger impact but he then uses it inappropriately

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I feel sorry for the handlers. Be like John Cleese trying to shut Pontius Pilate up in the Life of Brian. Could anyone sucker Enda into weleasing Bwian as a going away present.

Enda was busy on Wednesday, visiting Pairc Ui C

There is a man in that photo would have got him out of his mess during the week .

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Leo can’t keep his mouth shut. He seems intent to snatch defeat from the jaws of his crowning as Taoiseach.

Perfect for FG then. They always do their best to snatch defeat from.the jaws of victory.

Bad news for Kenny tonight as FG are down again in the latest poll.

He definitely won’t be the leader now, plus he has strengthened Kenny’s position.

Enda is too busy announcing hundreds of jobs to be bothered by a former health minister who failed to fix the system

Coveney is the bet of the year for that. Leo is an ape

He’s a useless cunt too.

They all are sadly but he’s a proper politician I can see him smoozing the votes. Leo’s too arrogant

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Without wanting to judge them all in one fell swoop but they’re all some shower of total cunts all the same.

The FG lads sending coded messages to each other to oust Kenny in the most favourable manner possible for their own ends.

The FF cunts slowly and steadily brain washing the country into thinking that nothing ever happened.

The Ra Stoolers with the usual aul shite and the indos bought off to keep schtum.


Yeah, I was amazed to see Leo was favourite and Yates say he was a shoo in. I had presumed Coveney would walk it

Sorted for you there.


Leo wont be leader,hes too gay.Blueshirts aren’t fond of them

Yatesy said Leo’s a 1/8 shot.

Yatesy’s bookies went bankrupt.

Who could guess why.


Pascal needs to change his mind and declare himself as a candidate when the vacancy arises.

Pascal is the chosen one.

Coveney says Kenny should go quickly after March 17th.

Amazing how the paddies day junket is seen as an entitlement and shur u couldn’t take that off poor Enda… everything that’s wrong with the country right there