Ireland politics (Part 1)

More to the point none of the rest of them want to go and deal with the fallout and endless media shite that will come from meeting with Trump …wouldn’t be a great start

I don’t think anyone sees it like that tbf.

We have a National Day of celebration that other stupid countries want in on including the great old USA. Of course it’s important for the Countries image to send our leader over.
Plus, who do you think Trump would take more seriously? Enda or Michael D?

Tusla - 40 Syrian refugees under 18 coming to Ireland.

Tusla say this relocation programme will cost 8m a year.

there will be psychotherapists galore

They also say that some of the kids are not kids but adults but they can’t verify it because they have no docs.

I am sure we can put our faith in Zapp one and Fitzgerald to ensure they are migrants, they are under 18, they are syrian, they are refugees and they do not pose a danger to society.


Fuck me that’s 200k a head.

It’s a lot of taxpayers money

That’s what struck me. Spend half of it and put the other 100k in trust for them when they are 25 and they might be better off.

They will be exposed to full gambit of pscychologists and child behaviour people before they flee to the UK for a better life.

Would love to see the KPIs that are used to determine if the programme is a success after one year. Being here, safe, clothed, fed, housed, educated cannot cost 200k each per year.

This is actually real. The two lads whatsapping each other and stuck it in a group for entire parliamentary party by mistake


That’s fantastic. That’ll prob cost Charlie Flanagan a ministry under either Coveney or Varadkar. Not a chance Harris will get near the leadership anyway

The Blueshirts are going to destroy themselves.

Oh Charlie…

The best bit of that is Jerry Buttimer not knowing who John Treacy is, and also mixing up “whose” and “who’s”.


The competence of Charlie Flanagan is a discussion point. After his farce today, he seemingly can not be trusted to correctly manage private information.

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It’s 40 males. Not guaranteed Syrians or minors either. Most of them have been refused status in other EU states.

As for the money involved it’s sickening when you see that the CFA claim they can’t find money for services for children already in their care but money is thrown at this nonsense


The EU keeps on delivering.

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All of the 40 were refused entry to the UK :flushed:

Zapp one and the department were worried about how the UK would react when they found out what the hard left wing in Ireland had done

Imagine throwing money at refugees. What has society become? Next we’ll be building hospitals for sick people.


Are you the international protection commissioner? They haven’t been declared as refugees yet.

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It’s not throwing money at them. They might be better off with that as there would be something tangible at end of it for them.

It is throwing money at health care professionals and child care experts so they can provide “services” to the refugees.

According to the internal memo most of the 40 are likely to try and escape to U.K.