Ireland politics (Part 1)

There’s a housing project underway in O’Malley pk in Limerick at the moment.

Those lads would be welcomed with open arms.

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That’s actually unbelievable. Charlie has, apparently, ruled himself out of the running for the leadership.

The country is fucked

God forbid Ireland might end up with more health care professionals and child care experts to provide those “services.” The last thing we need is more child care expertise, we just outsource that to the church.



We aren’t ending up with more, that’s the problem


Simon Harris has formally left the Fine Gael WhatsApp group.

Charlie Flanagan has well and truely let the cat out of the bag whilst at the same time spilling all of the beans

Leo or Simon will never be anymore then an fg Leader. The events of the last week have seen to that.

You can’t informally leave it. Leo is closing it down tonight.

They’re like a circus.

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Neither Leo nor the Simons are FG leadership material, in my opinion.

Charlie wouldn’t be the best with the ol phone I’m afraid.

Barry Cowen said on Morning Ireland that he’d heard a lot of talk about the goings on in the Fine Gael Whatsup group.

Like that really annoying Bud ad ? Whats uppppppppppppppp…

Barry is meant to be a hoore for the twatter as well.

Everything is playing right into Fianna Fáil’s hands now.

FG implode due to infighting after a scandal. The party will, one way or another, suffer a divisive election with two strong contenders running against each other. Not matter how gracious either is in defeat there’ll be discontent among the back benchers that backed the wrong horse and won’t get any kind of promotion.

The newly elected leader will need a miracle to avoid an election before the end of the summer in trying to keep the keep these back benchers and the Independents happy while trying to move to a position of strength post-Enda.

FF can sit back and let the opposition lob grenades until some of the Independents finally bring down the Govt in a bid to try and save their seat.

Martin couldn’t have planned this any better really.

Its fucking sickening to think that FF will get back in so soon and the only reason for it is that FG are more incompetent than FF. Horror show for the country. Half the gobshites in the FF cant even speak properly.

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They speak through their teeth.

It might be a cliffhanger yet.

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Big thing here is the ability of the parties to show that they’re evolving and changing from the way of the past.

Enda Kenny’s tenure has been defined by pointing out how they’re different to the FF of the past and ‘sure at least we’re not them, aren’t you luck to have us’. FG don’t seem to have moved on, at all, since the days of the Rainbow coalition. They’ve isoloated themselves from rural Ireland and seem to concentrate on emphasising that some people are doing well, rather than trying to sort out the other messes around the country. They’ve missed out on a great opportunity to wipe out FF.

When/if FF get into power the pressure will be on Martin to quiten the voices and influences of the old school FFers like O’Cuiv and O’Dea and move the younger generation (and Donnelly) to the fore of the party activity. It’ll be interesting to see if it can happen. Having Barry Cowen involved won’t help IMHO.

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What hope did Enda have when he the likes of you constantly criticising and critiquing him. You crave Fianna FĂĄil back in power.