Ireland politics (Part 1)

Fine Gael’s biggest problem looks to have been Kenny. Was listening to some journo who commented that Kenny’s political carrer has been blessed, even in his defeats. Lost leadership battle with Noonan, FG get destroyed in next election and Kenny gets in. FG lose 2007 election to Fianna Fail despite all the dirt going around about Bertie, had he won he’d have been the Taoiseach in charge at the time of the crash. He had an open goal to destroy Fianna Fail yet managed to score an own goal and ruin his own party. The accidental Taoiseach is a very apt description.


Enda was the wrong guy in the right place at the right time for FG, sure if Mick Wallace was leader of FG in 2011 he would have won that election. He was a weak leader, he was shit when he was in opposition, FF ran rings around him. If he had of been anyway decent FG would have won the election in 2007, they had FF on the ropes until Enda fucked up on a debate and that was the end of that. It took FF driving the ecomony off a cliff for people to turn to Enda and in 2011 and even then he had to face a leadership challenge within his own party. To think that Gilmore and the Labour party could have caught them

So don’t come on here spouting your nonsense.

Your constant sniping and cribbing is typical of all that is wrong with this country. You’ll have your beloved Fianna Fáil back in power soon enough.

Of course they would have won with Mick Wallace as leader. Wallace is an outstanding parliamentarian.


you need to improve your trolling you are failing badly here. Just like you beloved Enda.

You’re a serial complainer. You’ll bitch and moan about the next guy the same as you did about the last guy. I bet you didn’t even respect Charlie Haughey. The likes of you can never know joy.

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Off to seething thread with you. Take your pathetic wind up attempts over there. You exposing your stupidity here. Off you go now there’s a good lad.

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Telling someone they’re seething, a surefire way of signalling that you are in fact seething yourself. INTERNET 101.

in fact you’ve been seething for the past 5 years or so. Enda and the boys have saved the country. They did their duty. The electorate however, much like yourself, crave to be ruled and laughed at by Fianna Fáil. You’ll get what you desire soon enough.

Oooft :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

He is going to be really mad now, good job :+1:


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The PR multiple seat constituency system has not served this country well. In the social and local media era it has become more and more fractured.

Becoming clear that a FF coalition government is the de facto permanent government of this country other than the few years after each generations financial meltdown

You have to laugh at some of the people put forward for the FG leadership. Some of them only barely scraped in in the last election.

Take Coveney for instance, he was only only elected on the 11th count taking the 4th seat behind FF and SF. Hardly a ringing endorsement for the leader of the party that his own constituency only elected him because he was the best of a bad lot that was left. He couldn’t even get a second seat for his running mate.

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Yes, because what the likes of you want is someone like Cowen, carried in on the showlders of his braying and snorting constituents election after election.


Are you still on a wind up?

You probably love Danny Healy Rae because he got a huge vote count in Kerry.

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Or people who might put country first over local constituency and govern and are not holding Saturday clinics fixing potholes.

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Are there many potholes left to fix?

Jaysus you have some horn for me this morning. I told you earlier off to the seething thread with you.

You just have to accept that Kenny was a weak leader, that just by hanging around long enough ended up Taoiseach. The guy was in the Dail for 40 years and I bet prior to becoming to Taoiseach you could not name one thing of note that he did in those 40 years and remember during those 40 years he was a minister of state at the department of education and Labour and then in the rainbow coalition they seen his star qualities that he was appointed minister for tourism. He did nothing. He was pathetic as the leader of the opposition with FF routinely taking the piss out of him and running rings around him.

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:grinning: :grinning:

This is true.