Ireland politics (Part 1)

Iā€™ve never had a horn for you or am in no way sexually attracted to you. Iā€™m simply tired of your simple minded musings. A high vote count, does not a good leader of a country make.

I would love to see that happening but that would require a change in the way we elect our representatives. I would love to be able to vote for politicians on a national basis rather than a local basis. The ones who will bring the country forward not as you said the pothole fixers. If I want to vote for someone to fix pot holes that what the local Councillors are for and I will not vote for anyone who holds their clinics in a pub on a Saturday.


Meh, it gives every corner of the electorate a voice. Youā€™ll have some people in here screaming banana republic and moaning about Ireland all the time but they all have a voice.

Au contraire

The thick cunt

Charlie Flanagan has many attributes but telling funny jokes on a Sunday afternoon isnt one of them says Simon Harris



Did he happen to go into any of these attributes?


Being a servile quisling goes without saying.


Who asked you for your opinion you fucking rape baby

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Blueshirts are falling apart at the seems.

Rape baby?



Heā€™s already edited the post twice, donā€™t make him do it a third time.

Thats unnecessary.

You should have a look at yourself thereā€¦thats sick stuff.

What is it about you that brings the rage out in posters?

Interview with the girl at the centre of the McCabe allegations in the Irish times today. Unusual to say the least. She rebuts a lot of the supposed facts of the case. The piece leaves some open questions about McCabe and what actually happened

Have you a link there chief?

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