Ireland politics (Part 1)

It was a soft soap piece. The kind of interview that enda gets off RTE.

How does a child of 6 (as she was at the time) have all the details of how her father got reprimanded?

How did her father get promoted so soon after a reprimand?

In respect of her allegations against mccabe, how did they happen to resurface just as he was coming to the fore again?

When she made the allegations did she go to St Louise’s unit and was she assessed?

She got a free run from clonan and this is the start of the fight black to blacken mccabe in plain sight.

If yerwan wants to give her side she’s more than welcome to do so under oath and in public at the tribunal.


Absolutely. As I said. A strange piece. Most surprised at the tone. If you showed it to me cold I’d have said it was written before this scandal broke

About tom clonan

As the son and grandson of members of An Garda SĂ­ochĂĄna, and as a retired army officer who worked alongside An Garda SĂ­ochĂĄna during the Troubles, I am dismayed at the manner in which policing in Ireland has been degraded and politicised

If elected to the Seanad, I will campaign for root-and-branch reform of our policing service, for its independence from politics and for its proper oversight. I will fight for proper funding, equipment and training for our gardaĂ­. The recent tragic murders of Garda Adrian Donohoe and Garda Anthony Golden underline the urgent requirement for proper investment in An Garda SĂ­ochĂĄna.

At a minimum, gardaí should have sufficient numbers, vehicles and equipment to deal with the full range of threats and challenges they face daily. These range widely from organised crime to subversives and terrorism, alongside an increasingly frequent multi-agency emergency response requirement. The capabilities and capacity of Ireland’s frontline responders have been hollowed out and degraded by years of austerity. I will lobby for a police force that is fit to make all areas in our cities, towns and parishes safe for ordinary Irish citizens

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What’s Clonan got to do with it?

I thought the article was very odd. Surely if they’re going to rehash her allegations (which the DPP didn’t deem worthy of prosecution) they should have given McCabe the right to reply.

I’m trying to get my head around it here. Is she maintaining that she was abused by McCabe? If so then fair enough but it needs to be followed up. At no stage does she say she wasn’t abused but just confirms that the abuse did not take place in the way originally reported on file. But at no stage does she say that any abuse didn’t take place. All she says is that her father didn’t put her up to it.

Very strange

It’s appalling. I think McCabe should go medieval here. I’d sue her for slander if it were me.

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Am I right then flatty in assuming she’s maintaining was abused?

The article is certainly left open for the reader to assume that is the case.

Bizarre article

Why dont you setup a whatsapp group and ask them…or get that emotional wreck from Laois to setup a poll.

Did you start building your house yet?[quote=“carryharry, post:3303, topic:18085, full:true”]
What is it about you that brings the rage out in posters?

She hasn’t come out and denied it at all.
She claimed she was abused by McCabe. She Hasn’t rowed back.


She was a pawn for her family in a sickening slander of his character.

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I think there is a suggestion within it that the DPP may not have fully reviewed her allegations and/or a different version of her allegations went to the DPP

Considering the situation it is reckless from the IT not to be crystal clear around the reporting of this

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You’re a weird man.

I don’t think reckless is the word. In a situation like this, they, and her, will have been aware of every dot, comma and nuance. Art is right. This is the re-smearing of McCabe.


Indeed. It’s a terrible article in first place it jumps all over the place. Even aside from the content. No way will McCabe take this lying down

Im not wasting my thumbs typing abuse to you after this post…you’re not worth pissing on you pathetic Tipp faggot.

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The DPP did look at the evidence and decided that the allegation even if it occurred would not constitute an offence

What’s with the homophobic abuse?

I know they did. My point was, the article hinted that she felt they didn’t adequately investigate it, or even that she feels the DPP didn’t get the full story

She would have been 14/15 at the time of her father’s reprimand. This is in 2006.


The article is by Conor Lally. Is there a separate piece with Clonan somewhere?