Ireland politics (Part 1)

You would have thought that given the delicacy of the situation, she would have at least had the cop on to have a solicitor at the interview. At no stage does she say the abuse didn’t take place. Youd wonder if the journalist asked her directly if something happened or not.
Given McCabes history he won’t take this lying down. This is at best a sloppy article which leaves the whole thing hanging. At worst if taken at face value it calls into question Howling revelations in the Dail and the subsequent statements by Harris, Leo and Martin

Ok. Misread timeline, but fact still remains that she would only know the facts if she was there. She just relaying g daddy’s version of events in the story

I didn’t pick up on that. Where in it did you feel this was being suggested?

I’d be highly sceptical of anything “Daddy” says.

Given the case supposedly surrounded “tickling” during a game of hide and seek and was made eight years after the supposed incident is alleged to have happened, what could there have been to investigate? It’s a pure his word/her word case.

The allegation was dismissed. Anything the woman says now only amounts to saying that “my word is true and his isn’t”.

That’s very, very dodgy ground for an article like this to be going into and little different to the Paul Williams articles from April/May 2014, in fact it’s worse as we now know who the Garda referenced is.


I think I touched a nerve with the rape baby thing, I didn’t actually think the PM was legit, but I may have misjudged.

Seven months later the Garda informed her that a file had been sent to the DPP, who subsequently decided against prosecution.
Her family had never got sight of the correspondence from the DPP and so could not comment on the veracity of reports suggesting the complaint outlined may not constitute a criminal offence even if it had taken place, she said.
Three months or so afterwards she was told that the DPP would not prosecute. Then 15 years old, she said she asked her mother to drive her to the town where Sgt McCabe was stationed because she “wanted to see him”. When they arrived they sat in their car.
On seeing Sgt McCabe, she says she jumped out of the vehicle and confronted him. She says a Garda member came out of the station to deal with her. “(He) said ‘Look it, calm yourself down. This isn’t doing you any good,’” she said


informed her that a file had been sent to the DPP, who subsequently decided against prosecution.
Her family had never got sight of the correspondence from the DPP and so could not comment on the veracity of reports suggesting the complaint outlined may not constitute a criminal offence even if it had taken place, she said.

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All the more reason not to publish it. Like I said above, the very fact that it is written calls into doubt Howling revelations of false abuse and the subsequent clamoring of politicians to get a piece of the action.
I would love to know if she approached the Times or if she was approached by the Times. Looks like a sloppy effort to get one up on Mick CliffOrd.


Why was she suddenly so irate with McCabe? 10 years after the alleged incident?

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Cos Daddy was ratted on.

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It’s not that. The initial complaint was made to McCabes about her father. From what I read McCabes as the most senior officer had no choice but to escalate it. The father subsequently returned back to the area in a more senior post so that doesn’t make sense

That’s her version of events, which I wouldn’t believe.

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But sure that’s very easy to check out. He either returned in a higher rank or didn’t

I wouldn’t take an ounce of truth in what she says. She is maliciously motivated to spin the story to her needs, I would be extremely reticent to place any degree of weight in her versions of events, I would say they differ far from the reality and are disingenuous in the extreme.

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That’s a bit rough. She was a kid. She brought the stuff up as a teenager… Possibly because she was prompted or maybe because she was just a bit messed up at the time. The article’s main thrust is that she’s extremely pissed it was ever brought up again. In fairness I’d say she has a grand case for compensation. But it’s a weird article to put out at this time. Insane from the irish times.

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She may have been young then, but not now.

“He/she is a kid” seems to be carte blanche for kids to commit heinous acts without facing the consequences.

Well put it this way. On the assumption it didn’t happen, then it was a huge mistake by her to even contemplate giving the interview in the first place.

No. Being six is being a kid. Your brain isn’t developed properly and there is some stuff you can’t process properly. Teenagers are often messed up as fuck going through puberty etc. It’s how this girl was handled that is the problem. The claim was made and dismissed. That’s it. The only thing that is clear from the article is that she’s furious it was all brought up again.

What consequences would you like to see for a 16year old who thought she may have been abused and reports it? Should they be ridiculed unless they have evidence? Seems like you’d like to return to an earlier Ireland where anything like that was brushed under the carpet.

Sweep sweep.

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She’s giving an interview to national newspaper slandering McCabe with a veil of anonymity around her. There’s a rancid odour of malice to that interview and McCabe is the target of it. None of us know what happened but I know what I believe what happened.