Ireland politics (Part 1)


Shatter himself has a casual enough relationship with the truth, sure didnā€™t Calinan brief him against Wallace. Itā€™s severely stretching credibility to presume that calllinan didnā€™t do the same about McCabe given shatter attitude to him and wilson

The mobile phone phone thing? That event, as I understand it; was not remotely in the same league as anything to do with McCabe.

ā€¦ and worse, he believed what they were telling him about McCabe. Heā€™s furious how easily he was hoodwinked by clowns like Kenny and Callinan.

All the politicians in the Dail have a casual relationship to the truth, the fucker lie through their teeth every day. Shatter painting himself as some sort of honest saint is laughable.

The Kerry crowd do everything through their teeth.

If they have any.


Enda ainā€™t happy.

New Sunday Times Ireland poll:

Up the RA.


Noreen Oā€™Sullivan must be absolutely untouchable.
Another huge Garda scandal buried in a busy news week.


Didnā€™t FF withdraw support for her ? Iā€™d love to know what she has on FG though.

You can discount that poll as being if the week that was on it.
Still would be a shock to see FF getting 30%+ of the vote. People have very short memories

Couple of big issues buried in the news this week. First is the fixed penalty notice and gardai not counting breathilzer tests correctly. Being over by a couple of thousand is ok but a million is taking the piss. I heard on the news there that the creep Michael Martin has said that they canā€™t give their full support to the commissioner and she needs to give clear answers to the latest garda cock ups.

The other bit is the HSE boss saying sorry for lying about the Grace case. No sign of him resigning or being sacked but sure how could he when Walter mitty Kenny can go into the dail and lie and then just shrug his shoulders and go mea culpa. They are a fucking disgrace.

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Social Democrats chair Glenna Lynch has left the party. She knocked on my door during the last election and I had a good chat with her, she seemed like an alright sort.

Seems like the SD are in utter disarray.

Having 3 leaders was stupid. Too many egos.

Friction in a left wing group ? Never.

Social Democrats = the workers party

I see Lord Ross has pissed off the Aviation industry which this country is the leader off. Ross has been a disaster

Whatā€™s the story with Enda wearing an earpiece in the Dail today? Iā€™ve never noticed TDā€™s wearing these in the Dail before.

This cunt Alan Farrell on Primetime now after waffling the evening away on most Radio stations. Christ heā€™s a horrible lying rat faced bollox.


Is it true Enda is supposedly hard of hearing In his left ear?
Is that really to be believed?