Ireland politics (Part 1)

Ireland needs a dictatorship, someone like me.

Democracy has failed.


Snowflakes are beautiful.

I’m a snowflake and I’m proud.

Howling is not to be trusted. He really should be in Fianna Fail.

They’re polling at some of their lowest numbers ever. I would say they’re finished but I suppose still having a big Union presence will keep them going. But Fianna Fáil and Sinn Féin have successfully attacked and vilified them to the point where they are a joke amongst their base. Labour soaked up a lot of old Fianna Fáil voters (give me everything, pay for nothing) in 2011 but screwed themselves by going into a coalition government. They got no thanks for largely protecting public sector jobs and maintaining welfare rates.

I’d like to see them come back as the third party in Ireland over Sinn Féin but sadly I think that ship has sailed for them for the next 10 years.

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That was an expensive shit.

Labour suffered for the promises they made in the Spring of 2011.

The big question is why RTE are wasting so much air time broadcasting this rubbish? Labour are a small party now, the vast majority of people in this country couldn’t give a flying fuck about their conference.


The Labour Party conference reminded me of a song the 400 club including @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy and @Funtime would sing about the bohs fans travelling to Europe to watch a match… They went in a mini van.

Labour are finished. Jack O’Connor is the last throw of a toxic dice.


The last few years have laid bare the disastrous consequences of having the wrong parties and the wrong people represent us both locally and nationally.

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I believe in an open progressive inclusive country, with strong public services and a state whose primary function is to reduce risk for all its people and to protect the vulnerable.



If you’re a bit risky

You know they’re finished when they’re still sending out the ultimate narcissist Joan Burton out to bat.
I still maintain they’ll be swallowed up by SF within two general elections unless they get their act together.

The only thing that will give Labour a chance is if SF enter government .

Even thats a risk for them. The only thing saving them from being swallowed up at the moment is the fact that Adams still drives the bus in SF. If/when Adams goes SF will become more appealing to the current die hard labour voter.
Making Jack O’CONNOR chairman is akin to asking David Drumm to come back and run NAMA

I am not so sure that if Adams goes , SF will grow further . Adams is a fabulous strategist and his presence maintains a certain party discipline . I think he might stay a bit longer especially in light of MMGs death .

You are spot on about Jack . Utterly comical .

To be fair, would you have said the same when Sinn Féin had 4 seats a decade ago? RTÉ were giving Gerry & Co plenty of AF coverage back then as well.

Yeah I’m sure some of the old Volunteers are a bit worried that their retirement jobs as Community representatives might be under threat if they’re led by Fianna Fáiler in disguise in Mary Lou. I’d hope we get an open election for the next leader and not the Army Council but you just never know with them.

Do RTE have a policy about showing such leaders addresses . To be honest I’d ban them all and let the parties stream them . They are all unadulterated waffle for sheepish shills .

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I think so. Got to be to do with unbiased legislation. They showed the greens when they’d no TD’s I think.